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Today is the first morning in a while where I have awakened feeling pretty good. The allergies have been killing me in Vegas lately and I've found it hard to be very functional before noon. Lol.

Why not share some positive vibes with my closest peeps?! A favorite photo of mine and some tips for having a good energy day. :)

1. Start your day in a healthy way. This doesn't mean you have to eat egg whites and oatmeal with 100 vitamins. Heck, I rarely eat breakfast these days as I feel it's better to eat when your body tells you it's hungry. What I mean by starting healthy is a few different things. Do some light stretching, mobility exercise, or yoga before you do too much activity. Even 3-5 minutes of this will make a difference. This is the video I generally use for my wake up yoga:


2. If you're like many people, checking Facebook or Instagram is one of the first things you do. Ever notice how annoying some people can be with their whiny posts? Guess what. You don't have to see that! Unfollow them or take them out of your news feed so that eventually you will only be seeing posts by people who inspire you or make you happy. I did this about 2 years ago and it made me like Facebook again. Cutting out little bits of negativity can greatly impact your days. 

3. Consume nutrient dense food throughout the day. As much junk food as I eat, I try very hard to get in as much nutrition as I can. If I make a sammy, I add as many veggies as will fit between everything. If I go to a buffet, I always eat a salad first.... okay, no, that last one is a complete lie. Haha. ;) If you keep in mind to try to get more nutrition into your day, it becomes easier and easier and eventually it will be second nature to eat this way. If you're not too sure what I mean by "nutrient dense" it's things fruits and veggies, unprocessed meats and grains, good fats like coconut and olive oil, and nuts that don't irritate the gut (peanuts are usually quite irritating and cause bloating for many).

4. H2O! We hear it all the time that we need to drink more water and for most of us, it's true! I try to start my day by drinking a whole glass of water first thing after getting up. I fill up a glass before bed then chug it in morning. It jumpstarts my body and I can actually feel my stomach start doing work right away. Within the first few minutes of my day, I already have in a good chunk of my water goal.

5. The old "stay positive" thing gets old really quick, so I'm not going to say that. We all have our off days and sometimes even when you know things could be worse, you still feel bad. Instead of trying to find the good things about your life like your job, your car, your pets, home, etc., think about the people who want you in their life. Do you know how huge that is than even one person truly desires to have you in their lives? We often take those relationships for granted, but they're what make life worth living. Think about how much you love and cherish the important people in your life and remember they feel the same about you. 

I hope these little tidbits help you out today. I woke up feeling all inspired and felt like sharing. I'll be honest, part of yesterday was a rough one for me and I didn't feel too cheery about anything, but I also didn't do a single one of these tips I just shared. Today, I'm doing them all! 

I also want to say THANK YOU to every single one of you, and WELCOME to all the new patrons. :) Patreon is giving me some great inspiration for upcoming projects and I am really jazzed to share this journey with you all. 

From the bottom of my doughnut-covered heart, I hope your day is wonderful. <3


This vid is great for back pain. :)


Photo by Kristoff Lutchman

Dress by SabraKadabra




I think this has to be like my favorite post ever! :-D Good morning, Annalee! And thanks for the advice! O:-) No wonder you're so sweet, wish I had a donut covered heart... ;-) lol


As a sugar addict trying to get better... thank you for this!