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My girl Amanda and I are getting matching tattoos tonight! Her girlfriend, Lynsey, just finished sketching this up for us. This is going to be my first tattoo by Lynsey AND my first friend tattoo.

Amanda’s last name is Taylor, so “Amanda T.” got changed to Manatee at some point and I’ve always called her that since we met about 9 years ago. When we were trying to decide which tattoos to get, JD suggested doing manatees and I was like YES! Manatees have been one of my favorite animals since I was a little kiddo. Amanda sent me a photo of this manatee she found and I just about lost it when I saw it because I have the exact pin in a different color on my pink overalls.

Pic she sent 👆🏻

Pin on my overalls ☝🏻

Needless to say, we are super excited!




OMG, that is going to be sooo cute!!! 💖