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My goodness. This cruise has been off to quite the start. The first day (Monday) was jam-packed full of stuff and then I got food poisoning that night. So I spent all day yesterday in bed and still today am not quite at 100%. My stomach is pretty tender still, but I was at least able to get off the ship and walk around Nassau a bit. We were supposed to be in Cococay today, but the weather made it unsafe to get to the island so we have two days in Nassau instead. Tomorrow I may venture into Atlantis, but am not positive yet. I may just bask in the sun on the ship. We shall see! ☺️

Nassau was so beautiful with all the flowers and colorful buildings that I may have to go back just for more photos.

Oh...the pink buildings! 😍💗💗💗




Glad you’re feeling better! Nassau is bright and colorful. I saw you & Rachel when I was wandering around with my family.


dig the shots stay healthy xoxo