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I’m so happy I finally got to go! It was too windy for the ascension, so they all aired up on the ground. Hopefully I can come back next year and see it again. <br><br>This week has been magical. New Mexico is one of the places I spend the most time, but this week was packed with new experiences and I have a renewed love for this area. Somewhere in the future I definitely want to road trip through here and document all the cool stuff. ☺️<br><br>How are you all doing today?<br><br>I drive home tomorrow and will be back in Vegas for quite a while. (Unless more work pops up elsewhere.) I’m looking forward to getting settle back in at home and editing all the footage I got this week for you lovely peoples! Last mi Th I also made some workout/stretching videos so I’ll get this up also!




Looks like lots of fun!! 💖


that looks like so much fun!! Gives me another idea of places to go once I am able to check out all the many areas of the U.S. I have only traveled as far as California, Oregon, and Washington states.. I live in Washington state, so needless to say I haven't been able to check out all the places over the country that I want to yet. :)