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It’s been so good to be back in Vegas! Things have been a little crazy since I’ve been home since I’ve had events this weekend and… my car died on Thursday. 😶 it’s not like it just broke down. Fully died. The transmission started going out while I was on the highway and then it died as I was pulling off the highway and when we tried to restart it once JD got there, the engine was done too. We knew it was going to go soon, I just didn’t see a point in looking for anything new since I’m gone so much. Fortunately, for the most part JD and I are on different schedules since I like to get things done in the morning and he sleeps in later than me since he’s up much later. We’ll share a car for now and do some ride sharing when we have to. 

I’ll have lots more stuff coming soon! I know I’m a little bit behind on last months for words but I have a lot of stuff to get posted. My laptop wasn’t working the last couple weeks and Nashville, so I had to wait to do everything once I got home. Got some fun new videos and photos coming!

This photo is brand new and unseen from a set we shot at the Madonna Inn. Photo by Kat Attack. 




Aw I'm so sorry!


that is horrible that your car died :( At least you and JD have different schedules right now to help out.. Another wonderful picture of you and I love that outfit :)