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Boy oh boy, another busy day! I had a makeup job for Jenna Von Lish for her shoot with Radiant Inc this morning then got myself ready and I shot with Radiant for a designer who hired us. How stinking cute Is this bodysuit?! I can’t wait to see how these all turn out. Even just the phone shots are rad. 🙃

Keep it quiet until tomorrow, but we’re off to Nashville tonight for a surprise bday party tomorrow. I’ll be there until May 7, when I’ll fly to ITALY! Then I’ll be back in Nashy. 

Youssss guysssss...I am so tired. Beyond tired. I’m drained. I’m so over traveling like this. This will be the last job I take doing makeup on the road unless the pay rate increases a lot or I work more days so it’s more worth it. Even with more days, idk if it’s something I’d consider. I need some consistency and some grounding. I pack a lot as it is because I like to get all dolled up, but having to pack my full makeup and hair kits on top of my own personal things is just too much. And especially with all my back issues...I’m just... done. So done. I can’t even tell you how cranky I was earlier while packing and trying to check everything into the airport. 🙈 I love traveling on my own time, but all this rushed travel and having to be on other people’s schedules lately is too much for my spirit so I’ve talked with JD and I’ll be staying in Vegas after this season ends in July. ☺️ That means TONS more fun shoots for Patreon! 🎉🎉🎉

Alright, we’re about to take off. I love you all lots! 




I’m so impressed with the busy schedule you manage! I can’t imagine how tough that must be. Glad you know when to take a breath, step back and recharge though. Sending big hugs! 😊Hope you get a chance for a little downtime and some rest soon. Have fun at the party and spending time with the fam! And best wishes to the bday boys 😉 Have a good flight and take care 😘


Travelling like you do is HARD! I've done it for the past 3 yrs, and it sucks mentally, physically and emotionally. Do want you need to do for what's best for you.