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A friend of mine wrote this poem and shared it today. I feel it is what we all need right now.

I've been in tears or near them since 11 PM last night afyer first hearing of the shooting. I watched live coverage for hours. I check Facebook for updates on friends every 2-5 minutes. I barely slept from being so upset and worried. As soon as I woke up I wat he's the live media update by the police. As of two hours ago, 58 dead and 515 injured. I can't fathom what would make a person so this. My heart and soul are hurting deeply. The videos from people who were there are horrifying and made it all even more real. I love Vegas so much and hate seeing that what was supposed to be a happy time for many turned into such and tragedy. 

The first responders did an amazing job last night. It was an open air event ans the shooter was up 32 floors  it was a very difficult situation.

Seeing all the good in people last night gives me hope. The amount of people helping others out was beautiful. I saw a friend of a friend giving rides to victims in the back of her truck. I watched an interview of a guy who, along with his friend who had been shot 3 times, helped pull several people to safety. It sounds like his friend is even doing okay despite being shot. 

I like to keep this a happy place, so I won't go on too much. 

Keep your loved ones in mind and hold them close when you can. Nothing in this life is guaranteed. Don't take your time for granted. 

I love you all and I hope you have as great of a day as possible. ❤️




We love ❤️ you too.


My thoughts and prayers are with you!! If you need anything please let me know!!