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(New edit from Richard Marz! The full set is available for the $10+ tier.)


Finally, I am home. After a 2.5 hour+ delay last night I wasn't quite sure it was going to happen. I finally got home around 2:30/3 AM. I am pooped today. Might go back to sleep for a bit. ;) 

My cold is better, but still lingering. I truly think that had I not been on set this week I would be 100% better already. It was unusually hot in LA this week, with yesterday being over 100. We're in a dusty renovation with drywall dust everywhere and no AC. It certainly contributed to my not feeling so hot. I also had to get the place there packed up, which was not at all fun. But I am home at last, and that feels INCREDIBLE. 

I have learned a lot this year about boundaries. Mainly my personal boundaries for mental health. I've learned that I can't be on the road like this anymore unless I'm making tons and tons more money to compensate for things. lol. Being away from home so much made it very hard for me to create as a model or as a beauty blogger and that started to really bum me out. When I'm not in my little habitat, I get frustrated because I don't have every little piece of clothing, shoes, accessories- all the fun things that make my shots more interesting. It began to really be a challenge to have designers shipping things to me because my addresses were always changing and I even had one $200+ box go missing and no one could track it down. Most companies understand that these things happen, but it certainly puts a stressor on the relationship. For someone who truly cares about the brands with whom they work, this is a pretty upsetting thing. I work with designers/companies who I would like to have a longterm working relationship. 

I also have realized that I need my own space. It's fine when it's short-term or obviously if I'm living with JD, but I can't keep doing the co-habitating thing. If I am going to be traveling, I need to be able to set up my little shooting areas for creating the content when I can and I NEED TO BE ABLE TO WALK AROUND NAKED. I know this seems silly, but being naked is honestly one of the very best feelings to me. Not being able to do it in my temporary home blows. lol. I think I can do the little 2-3 month stints of travel, but this year I've only been home for 3-ish weeks and it's already September. It's been totally worth it, but living for the things about which I am passionate is better. I'm totally looking forward to being home more for the rest of the year. Don't get me wrong...we are still traveling A LOT. But being based at our house is the bee's knees. 

I have lots of shoots in the works, so expect lots of fun stuff on top of what is already coming up. :D

Vegas life will last about a week this round, then we head to Toronto for TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival) for a few days. After that, we'll be home for 4 days then we go to Denver to see my mom (who is traveling in with friends from Amarillo) and my brother for a couple days. Then, back to LA to see Drew on Dancing With The Stars (so stinking excited!!!) and go to Disney! JD was trying to plan this as a surprise for a late birthday present, but had to tell me because schedules were getting quite complicated with us all traveling so much. Disney will be a combined birthday celebration for my wifey, Rachael Sin (of Radiant Inc), and me. My b-day is Sept. 7th, for those of you who don't know. We'll be in Toronto by noon that day, so we'll celebrate a little bit there too. So after the bit in LA, I'm back to being home for the most part! I will be in and out of LA a lot in October for the show, but other than that, mostly homesies!

Ideally, I wanted to vlog for you all, but I'm gonna be real. This run-down body can only manage to type at the moment. ;) 

I have noticed my patronage has dropped off quite a bit the last couple of months, and I fully know why. I haven't been adding as much new content as I'd like to for the above mentioned reasons. Thank you to those of you who have stuck through this crazy time with me. I truly appreciate it. Things are going to get soooo much more interesting on here now that I'm in my little haven. I'm going to start making more of my own outfits and all that jazz as well. One thing living with Linda the last few months has taught me is that I miss the heck out of crafting. I certainly need it in my life more. 

I love you all mucho! Like, for real for real. I hope you all have a fantastic day. I almost just said Monday. It feels like a Monday to me. haha. 

Okay, I'm off of here to get some rest for a bit. 






Glad you get to have some time at home! Hope you feel 100% soon 😘


Love the outfit and the shoes!! Great photo Annalee :)