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I have thoroughly thought about this, and want all investors to understand the plan and the reasoning. Because of the need to finish SB:C, and the already bloated size of the Salon Mission, I have decided to do the Salon release, and move over to SB:C.  Then AFTER SB:C is totally finished, I will pop back to GN and make all the commissioned Bad Ends (of which there are more than ever).  That will then be a GN release of its own.

The reason? As you know, FINALLY, after 9 years of asking, I have a volunteer programmer fan- Mars- willing to help me get GN set up in Unity.  While Story Mode will look almost the same as it has on Renpy- Game Mode will be MUCH more professional. It will essentially put my projects at a level I feel is as close to a AAA corporation as I will ever get by myself.  That means between the Salon mission and then Demented mission, there will potentially be a large gap, as Mars helps me rebuild GN from the ground up in Unity. As such, I think having a release of all these commissioned Bad Ends, during the gap as a "last release of GN in Renpy" will help it not feel as empty to you investors.  Obviously, behind the scenes, it will not be empty for me (and poor Mars lol) as this is a huge amount of work.  Commissioners, rest assured, you WILL have your bad ends done, just it will be longer than any of us originally thought.

What does this mean?  Long term, it means that finally, once and for all, I will be working in Unity, which I always wanted.  It means never having to ever change the novels again.  Mars has promised to do all of GN with me (and I hope in the future we continue to work together) but if he goes, at least I will have the systems in Unity meaning, on future novels/redux versions of old novels, I can essentially follow GN as a template (I asked Mars to make a "blank" novel of sorts for me when he is making GN, and then I can just stick the new stuff into it.  Now, Factions games?  Who knows, but at least for sure novels at this point will be as close to my true vision as I ever imagined possible.  I want to thank Mars for his die-hard attitude in helping me, and I want to thank all you investors for your years of paying me so that I can make all this a reality!  I absolutely welcome feedback and  opinions.  While here is fine, we can chat in real-time in Discord, so feel free to see me there, as I prefer it.



Ian Briggs

You must be thrilled to finally finish Slugs and Bugs Conversion,a big thank you for everything you've managed to achieve so far 👏👏👏