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GN:TT – I sure have had a rough week, but got my surgery today!  However, even with 4 trips to the ER and a honeymoon, I have worked every moment possible!  So, one top of the Absinthe SB:C release trickling down, within a day or two, I think GN's ch 5 will release.  As soon as I got home from the hospital today, I started editing, and will soon put it into Twine.  There will be a lot of lore to explore on this release, but I did not have time for bad ends.  Which means next release will have four commissioned Bad Ends and a bit over ten Waxworks Bad Ends.

The good news is that I already have those Wax BE's rendered, so when I get to Ch 6 of GN, aka the Waxworks Mission, it should shave some time off development. I have to hop over to D:BB and clean it up some for Halloween full story mode release.  But, depending on how long that takes, I might be able to get back to GN and at least squeeze in the commissioned BE's before Halloween- no promises!

D:BB – I have announced it, but IF YOU WANT TO COMMISSION A BAD END FOR DBB- you have until Oct. 7th to do so. I am just going to finish up and polish the Story Mode and release it to the public as a Halloween treat this year. You know the drill for how to commission! They will work just like they have been working in Giggle Night. Also, Shadow Code is currently M.I.A. again. I will keep everyone posted as soon as he responds to me at all so, in the meantime, Game Modes are on hiatus until a programmer can help me.

SB:C – The Absinthe release of D:BB is trickling down!  Tomorrow the Lilins ($20) get it and then it will continue down the line!  October is a busy month for me, of course, so probably expect a poll for the next SB:C woman sometime near end of Oct/early Nov!  I wonder who it shall be this time!  With all our systems now in place, I think all future SB:C releases will now work out faster.



F:SoS - I will do all the writing and art, but if you are a programmer that is really creative at RPG Maker MV/JavaScript, please let me know if you are interested in programming this title for me! (Unity would probably work too!) I can also offer perks like a Bad End or comic for helping!

F:CoC - I will do all the writing and art, but if you are a programmer that knows Unity, I have the source code for the playable demo from two years ago. Please let me know if you'd like to help me make this game! I can also offer perks like a Bad End or comic for helping!

F:WoS - I will do all the writing and art, but if you are a programmer that knows Unity, I can purchase a premade system that you can tweak to make this Anaxverse game! I can also offer perks like a Bad End or comic for helping!

F:BoD - I will do all the writing and art, but if you are a programmer that knows Unity, I can purchase a premade system that you can tweak to make this Anaxverse game! I can also offer perks like a Bad End or comic for helping!


Anax Ghost Stories – I need more spooky tales, as only 4 of you have sent me anything!  For more details see Discord, but I want to hear about YOUR OWN paranormal encounters.  Be detailed and open as I will not be advertising you, so it will be totally anonymous.  Or, if you come across a real ghost story online on forums and such that you want me to read, send it along !  I'll pick a few and read them in my style for whenever you want to listen to spooky stories while doing other tasks, or want to just turn off the lights and learn about what stalks you in the darkness!  Mwa ha ha ha!  * NO fiction!  NO creepypastas!  True stories ONLY!


General News – Well, my health will hopefully turn around now!  I did not let it slow me down, but, boy am I tired!  I look forward to getting all the other October treats ready for everyone!  Thank you for your patience while I was in Alaska on my honeymoon!  And, to all you new investors, thank you so much!  I release big chunks of content usually every month (Sb:C one month and GN the next), and now that things are looking up for me, I can finally get back in the normal groove!  As always questions and comments are welcomed here and in Discord, and thank you again!



That Faceless Dude

I don't follow: Will the release that's coming in a few days have the Waxworks mission in it with those 10 bad ends and more will be released later or will there be no waxworks content in this upcoming release?


I am sorry for being confusing, what I assumed would be the Waxworks grew way too large for a single chapter. So waxworks will be ch 6 and instead, a new chapter, ch 5 had to be written. The story was in a bit of flux but got hammered out now. So going forward ch 6 (waxworks) through chapter 14 should be able to be a mission per chapter.