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GN:TT – A reminder that chapter 4 of GN is out now with $5 and uppers now having access! I have completed the Waxworks Bad Ends, and I am now working on the story as Trixie goes on her first mission.  This includes a lot of art that will help players familiarize themselves with the superheroes and their abilities.  In Game Mode (someday) I will allow the players to choose what heroes to bring on a mission, but it will be like artifacts in D:BB.  Choose the wrong group, and you'll quickly meet a bad end!

D:BB – I have announced it, but IF YOU WANT TO COMMISSION A BAD END FOR DBB- you have until Oct. 7th to do so. I am just going to finish up and polish the Story Mode and release it to the public as a Halloween treat this year. You know the drill for how to commission! They will work just like they have been working in Giggle Night. Also, Shadow Code is currently M.I.A. again. I will keep everyone posted as soon as he responds to me at all so, in the meantime, Game Modes are on hiatus until a programmer can help me.

SB:C – I got the Absinthe release last weekend and bug tested it.  I *think* that I managed to find any issues and I fixed what typos I found.  However, there were graphics issues that required I send it back.  The original way we were doing this, the script had everything in it, but now that things are becoming complex, for faster future releases with an easier way for the programmer and I to find things, he is breaking the women into their own separate text files.  So, as he is doing this, it's going to take him just a bit longer to program (remember he is a volunteer, so please be patient as he does this when he can find time).  But, hopefully, it will begin making the rounds very shortly!



F:SoS - I will do all the writing and art, but if you are a programmer that is really creative at RPG Maker MV/JavaScript, please let me know if you are interested in programming this title for me! (Unity would probably work too!) I can also offer perks like a Bad End or comic for helping!

F:CoC - I will do all the writing and art, but if you are a programmer that knows Unity, I have the source code for the playable demo from two years ago. Please let me know if you'd like to help me make this game! I can also offer perks like a Bad End or comic for helping!

F:WoS - I will do all the writing and art, but if you are a programmer that knows Unity, I can purchase a premade system that you can tweak to make this Anaxverse game! I can also offer perks like a Bad End or comic for helping!

F:BoD - I will do all the writing and art, but if you are a programmer that knows Unity, I can purchase a premade system that you can tweak to make this Anaxverse game! I can also offer perks like a Bad End or comic for helping!


Anax Ghost Stories – I need more spooky tales, as only 4 of you have sent me anything!  For more details see Discord, but I want to hear about YOUR OWN paranormal encounters.  Be detailed and open as I will not be advertising you, so it will be totally anonymous.  Or, if you come across a real ghost story online on forums and such that you want me to read, send it along !  I'll pick a few and read them in my style for whenever you want to listen to spooky stories while doing other tasks, or want to just turn off the lights and learn about what stalks you in the darkness!  Mwa ha ha ha!  * NO fiction!  NO creepypastas!  True stories ONLY!

General News – I will be on my Alaskan honeymoon in exactly two weeks!  I am looking forward to it!  Rosie is doing great for those that follow up on her.  Not much else to report in the general, just trying to build the foundation on GN for all the missions we are about to go on with each release.  Thank you for investing in all this hard work and comments and questions are welcomed here or in Discord!




I'm really interested by a more strategic approach in your games if you can do that. By the way, how do I ask a commission ?


I am not sure exactly of your meaning. Talking over Patreon can be a bit "clunky". I am always in Discord when I am awake, so feel free to message me on there and we can discuss it. As far as commissions go, you just become a $250 patron or higher depending on how much you want done. If you check my tiers page it breaks it down there.


Ok, thanks!