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D:BB - Work is progressing on the updated Game Mode!  I am also going through and fixing any grammar issues or other issues with the story mode.  By the time the final release is public it will be polished and superb!

SB:C - I shared the very first ever, alpha release of SB:C last week!  It has been a resounding success for such a bare-bones alpha release, so I expect it to generate even more hubbub as updates begin.  As with my other titles, I'll be doing monthly/bimonthly releases.  After this alpha, the juicy updates will go to all of you investors first, and then, as with my novels, they shall trickle down!

F:SoS - If you are a programmer that is really creative at RPG Maker MV, please let me know if you are interested in programming this title for me!

F:CoC - If you are a programmer that knows Unity, I have the source code for the playable demo from two years ago.  Please let me know if you'd like to help me make this game!

General News - I hope everyone had a great Halloween!  As most of you know, I was supposed to be going with my wife to our first wedding anniversary... instead, the day was spent in the hospital!  Sadly, she had a stuck kidney stone and they had to operate to get it out.  So, I have been spending this week now tending to her.  She is still in heavy pain until they take the stent out next week.  2020... indeed, an insidious year!  Mayhap we are but characters in a cosmic interactive novel simply titled, 2020: This Sucks.

My dark humor aside, I want to thank everyone for investing in my hard work, and expect to see things soon transition over towards Giggle Night.  I'll do as I did with D:BB and create the enemies and characters BEFORE working on the game so that updates can come more timely and so I can show off what Trixie Goodwin will be facing in her trials!  Mwa ha ha ha!  Thank you again and as always comments or questions are welcomed!



Ranger of Goth

Hope your wife gets better soon.


Kidney stone is serious shit, I had it too, but fortunately it went away on its own after a long time of suffering.