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D:BB - I have finished rendering the sewers except for the Bad Ends and a handful of story.  So, I sent the map and such off to Impresario so that he can get the new zone programmed.  While still involving gameplay, it should not be as complicated as the Forest was.  That was a bit too much mwa ha ha ha.

SB:C - While he programs, I have been busy rendering the rest of the Justine Day scenes for the new Slugs and Bugs: Conversion game.  It's been quite fun as squick is my favorite of fetishes as everyone knows.  When Impresario sends back the updated HTML file, I'm just sending everything to Isaac and SB:C programming can begin!  With everything I have rendered the first build we release should have quite a juicy selection of horror erotica to enjoy.

F:CoC -  Crystals of Control is still on Hiatus... just waiting for my patreon to hit that $2500 a month mark.  Someday, I just know I'll reach my goal!

General News - Nothing much to report here.  I have been doing quite a bit of paranormal experimentation of late.  Always interesting to use critical thinking and the scientific method to try to understand what exists around us that seems to be matter without mass.  Matter that does not reflect light except generally infrared and ultra violet and that gives off 20 times or more the natural amount of electromagnetic energy.  Sometimes I wonder if these ghosts and spirits I communicate with are actually made of what physicists call dark matter, as it seems to be there and able to affect the world around me, yet appears intangible.  Anyway- back to rendering I go!  



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