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Feel free to give feedback here, investors!  I am going to implement something new in all my novels from now on and that is a "Bad End" menu so that one can watch the Bad Ends they have seen whenever they want.  After going through the fights and losing to everything, in the caverns, it can get kind of annoying.  I may unlock the Bad End automatically when one defeats a certain number of an enemy type rather than losing to them.  Thoughts or ideas are always welcomed!



Both of those ideas are awesome! Though, you could also go the route of the profiles- offering the different bad endings and how to get them, and allowing one to rewatch them after unlocking them. It lets people see what they missed, and gives a greater achievement to finding them all!


When you say the route of the profiles, I apologize, but it is late, what does that mean exactly?


Like the character profiles you unlock throughout the story? Something like that with a list and a 'how to get' hint for them so people can find them on their own.


OH got it, the character unlocks, yeah, profiles, that makes sense! Well, people were wanting me to have them unlock only if a person actually went to the bad ends, but after me testing them all, I am beginning to think it won't work. That is, the caverns is FAR more complicated to get through than the mountain, and I intend for every hunt to be more challenging every time. And, having to lose over and over might get old. This is a tough design choice...


Why not just have all the Bad Ends from each hunt unlock once the hunt is complete? That way people who want to seek out each one during the hunt can do so, but people who don't like losing on purpose don't have to.


That's a wonderful idea. That's how I am going to do the Story Mode, and I might as well follow suit on the game mode.