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D:BB - I had a few renders done and will now get back to rendering it.  I spent the last four days or so rendering all the material you saw on the Slugs and Bugs: Conversion (SB:C) promo.  Impresario has been also getting the caverns in order, and I am really excited about it.  I think you will all find it engaging.  Once I finish with the Chap 6 renders, I'll write 5 and 6, and then render the BE's and write them up!

F:CoC - Still not able to afford BlankSubroutine's programming services!  I'll hit that goal someday!

SB:C - You probably saw my new side project, Slugs and Bugs: Conversion (SB:C) and, if not, scroll down.  I think it could be a lot of fun with lots of sexy stuff!  And, I will be running a poll on what woman we should focus on first.  I think it will be easiest doing one woman through the whole thing, then another, until we have them all together with all the hundreds of possible scenes.  Like with my other projects, I am aiming for an update per month or at most 2 months.  I have not worked with Isaac before, but he appears professional, so I believe I can reach that goal.

General News - Macy is still hanging in there.  I do all I can to help her and keep her comfortable.  I am excited about this new project!  I love squick and there is so little of it out there.  Maybe it will finally give my Patreon the bump it needs!



Keep up the amazing work! I am going to check out the new promo as soon as this is finished. Anax, hearing about Macy has my heart in a knot. (Strange how that happens to one as cold as I.) I wish you the best, and hope that some nice words will help in any minute way, My dear dark companion.


Yes, I am not a man close to many things nor known for being emotional, but with my small friend I find myself distraught. She's tough after 16 years, and she still appears happy even with all the health issues this liver syndrome is causing. Thank you for the kind words, and all I can do is take it one day at a time. When the day comes that we must part ways, I shall be quite sad, but like life, I think death is just a cycle of its own. I fear no reaper and I can only hope that Macy feels I gave her as good a life as a man could.