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D:BB - It's really coming together!  Thank you to my $5 and up patrons for your generosity in making this possible.  Thank you for those of you that reported the bugs on the monster hunt, because, after the last update, I have not received any more reports, so I believe it now works totally bug free.  I play on tweaking the layout a bit with Impresario's help, but it's done!  I have already been rendering for the next chapter (Ch 5) and the next monster hunt (Caverns), so, as usual, I am trucking along every day!  If I said it before, I'll say it again, thank you, Impresario for helping me with this title!

F:CoC - Again, I regret to report that my patronage is still not at $2,500 a month, so I cannot continue progress at this time on Factions.  However, I am always hopeful that there will be an explosion of investors someday!

General News - My dog of 16 years, Macy, my best and closest friend had been diagnosed with a liver condition and given two months to live, but I have been working hard to give her a great quality of life, and even though the two months have passed, she is still alive an happy, if not somewhat tired and sore.  So, when I am not working on my projects, I am usually tending to her needs.  We have slept next to each other every night for almost two decades, and when my little friend is gone, I think I shall be rather sad.  No, perhaps devastated is the more correct term.  I am usually seen as a large, brutish, brooding fellow, but that dog melts my gruff exterior like an ice cube.  Anyway, that's all that's happening- work and Macey face!  Thank you to everyone for investing in me, and as always, please leave feedback, suggestions, or ask me questions about anything!



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