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C:I - I am writing Howard's story at the moment.  While I was writing Chieko's I came up with a cool, hot bad end idea, so I am also rendering those images at the moment.  I am really happy with how C:I is turning out.  Yes, it is more linear than some of my titles, but there is so much story with all these chapters, and the lore will be fun because with so many Cereborg unit types, it will be fun to write about how they work and why they exist in these incarnations.

Factions: Crystals of Control - To let my investors know, all the Unity games involving my lore and IP will be likely called 'Factions' followed by some sort of sub title.  The reason is to keep them separated from the interactive novels and my future Ren'py games I am wanting to create.  This is because in all those games, while using my lore, will not be canonical and they will feature all my different factions, though game play will be fundamentally different on each title.  So, henceforth, if you see me put an 'F' in front of something, that will always signify a Factions title, with a subtitle following it.  These 'actual video games' will definitely be distinguishable, as you will soon see with the release of the first idea!  F:CoC should still be released this month!

General News - Not much here, I have been focusing hard on these two projects every day, and I am dying to share them both.  I am also looking forward to the new poll on which title to do next for my stories.  I am also going to start making a YouTube video to compliment the release of F:CoC to show everyone both a "behind the scenes" on the making of it, along with showing the community in general where I want it to go and how Blank and I envision it.  The other Faction ideas for Unity games will remain secret for now as we want to see if this first one draws enough interest/income in order to pay for it to be made.  If all goes well, expect a nice stream of such video games to follow!



The concept art you've put out looks amazing! I can't wait to play it.


Thank you! It's been VERY fun for me as a creator to be able to take my own characters and make versions of them that never were. Some will be much more challenging than others, but it's something I have loved doing. I certainly hope the community is taken by surprise- a happy surprise and I will get to see the whole project made beginning to end!