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Based on a suggestion by one of my Patrons, I have decided to try and live stream.  As many of you know, I am an older gentleman, and not as savvy with technology as I am sure you are, but I am attempting this, and like everything I learn, I shall get better in time.  I want to gauge interest in this.  So, if you desire to watch me working on Chapter 3 of Cereborgs for a while, you are welcome to tune in at my YouTube Channel.  Assuming I can figure this out!




So far I have been unable to have it show my desktop... so I am still trying!


Ok, I think I have it, streaming soon!


Odd, I got a "strike" against my account for "deceptive practices", though I am unsure what that means. So, I do not think it will let me live stream again. I clicked a thing to appeal, but I have no idea how long it takes to get an account unlocked. How odd.


It says my live streaming can start again Nov 26, 2018. But, it shows I have appealed it, so, if the appeal goes through for something I have no idea about, then I will get you folks a live stream!