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Wow!  I had not realized a week had passed already!  Another huge thank you to the patron that helped me create this very in-depth robust, fighting system!  Thank you for your patience and I think you will enjoy many of the scenes I have written.    However, keep in mind a few things:

The fight system could still need some tuning and work, so please post here if you have issues, find bugs, or think I need to tweak the variables.  I tried to make it a but of a challenge, but not impossible.

Please EMAIL me typos if you happen upon them.  I have been so focused on the massive amount of work to get fight encounters that I may have missed other things I usually catch.

Howard's final boss fight on Chap 2 does have a few odd issues with it that I cannot understand yet.

I added 'Submit' buttons to the fight scenes so people can see them if they want.  It had not occurred to me they would actually try to die to see them, so even though Howard submitting is WAY out of character, for those that want to see it/completionists, the option is there if you like.

Saving during combat can cause strange bugs, but frankly, I have no idea how to fix that, and I am giving the patron that helped me a bit of space before I come back and start asking for more aid.  In time, the combat will progress, but it still feels, at least to me, for a first try, very well done!  Again, thanks to that patron's help!

Otherwise, I think all three of the Chapter 2's are looking great!  I look forward to showing you Chapter three around the end of august/beginning of September (since we will also be releasing the proof of concept for Factions!  Exciting!)  Anyway, enjoy


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