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First thing I want to reiterate to all patrons- Remember every chapter of C:I is THREE chapters worth of writing, programming (easy for some of you- not me) and THREE chapters worth of CGI renders!  I pour my heart into it, but throughout this particular project, I ask all my investors keep that in mind.

The second thing I want to reiterate is that I did hold a poll and gave the option of me just releasing things as I work on it instead of saving up- and a vast majority wanted me to wait and release things as I have them finished up and working.  So, please also bear that in mind.

Both those aside, I will release Chap 2 early if possible, but at the latest, it will be out on August 2nd or 3rd.  It is going to feature new things I have never done in a game so, I hope you enjoy what I am doing (everyone seems to have always enjoyed my innovations).

Going forward it is 90% certain I will be able to do monthly updates.  I say 90% because, if I lose too many patrons or run out of savings as I try and reach my 3k goal/mo. I will have to go find a new job, but otherwise, I should now have enough time to do monthly updates almost always ALMOST always.  As those that have been with me a long time know, last month really threw a wrench in my normal cycle- but again, rest assured, now I should have time to give you depraved lot what you come to me for- erotic mind control and corruption horror on a constant basis.

Chapter 2 is fleshing out nicely.  I had a really fun idea that will help make some more character development for Howard (some love him and some hate him lol), and I think everyone will like what I have planned for Chieko in a couple of chapters.

That's about it.  I have been trying to budget money to buy music, and as Factions approaches a release, likely in late August, I will be sharing more and more on that- my first 'real game'... yeah, yeah, don't get this bogeyman started on the philosophical concepts of 'what is or is not a game'!  Anyway, as always feedback and questions are not only welcomed- but encouraged!



When do we want it?! NOW! How do we want it?!?! FINISHED!! Then you can't get it now! AWWWMAN!! lol Keep up the great work man, it'll be great when it's finished!