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How do I gain more patronage?

Can you share links to my work within your channels?

Greetings!  I am currently attempting to really push for my Patreon.  I have been doing better than ever, but still falling short of the ultimate goal- the one where I can do this 24/7 without having to have interruptions for 40 or more hours a week working.  Imagine it, me getting to create all day- and all the pleasure you lot will be steeped in!  Those two questions really say it all.  How do I increase my investors, and what mind control/corruption/erotic websites, circles, or more could I reach out to?

Please comment, I really need feedback from folks on this.  I know some of you have been supporting me for years, and you know I am passionate.  I just don't know what more I can do.



Personally the reason that I haven't become a patron yet is that I am weary of having to wait until next month to get the benefits of said patronage. I know you said you are working on trying to have pay upfront be an option and once you do I might reconsider


Yeah, they got back to me and said none of us are allowed to request it. So, I check every morning but still have not been granted random access to their beta. However, you are a great person to talk to then! Because this is great feedback. Can you tell me how the pay upfront will work in your favor? It is the same exact way as now, it just means if you patron me, you will gain access to content then instead of on the next release after. Thus, I am confused, and I apologize for not understanding. It will still be a monthly patron, even after I go to the other model. Can you explain to me what you mean? I would love to be able to communicate whatever it is, because if you feel this way, who knows how many others do.


I mean that you mentioned if you went to pay upfront you would post the link to downloads in the Patreon instead of mailing them at a predetermined time. That would mean that I would be able to access content as soon as I pay for it. This also means it is more likely for me personally to impulse pledge .


OH! Ok, so, you mean that you patron me, let's say 20 dollars, get the thing, then unpatron me until another impulsive time you want some precise content?


So I have no direct experience, just observations. But patreon doesn't advertise nsfw content, intentionally, nor does it make it easy to search for. So for visibility the only bets are cross advertising with like content (how I hear about most things in here) or externally (as you are already doing). I'd look into getting active on more sites, more mediums. Get some stand alone erotica stories up on literotica and asstr that lead back to here. Put up demos on more sites that index games. Do a few art commissions from very popular erotica artists, that they'd then hopefully credit you when they post it to their blog. Etc. As for on here.. I wouldn't worry too much about that. Its your monetizing and distribution channel but it won't gain you users beyond cross linking. The only thing in here itls maintaining users - which you're doing right. Prices in step with similar products, regular updates, community feedback and involvement, quality content.


Thanks! As far as external sites, I have a Twitter, YouTube, and posted on the only 4 reddit boards where I thought this might work. Obviously, I am on Hypnopics and TF Games as well as F95. Can you think of other places for me to try and promote my work?

Aftermath Team

We've private messaged in the past, so you know how to reach me if you'd like. I know we've talked briefly about ways to help your Patreon grow, but I'm always happy to toss around ideas. On a side note, if you'd like I'd be willing to do a bit of cross advertising with you. You do some really good work and I'd be proud to help out a little bit. Check my page for the "Creator Shout Out" tag and you'll see what I mean by cross advertising. Not sure how much it will help, but when I've done that kind of cross advertising in the past its always resulted in at least a small bump to both parties support.


Thanks, Gatekeeper, I took your advice about Reddit. I'll try this too! And, thank you for the compliments on my work, I honestly appreciate it. As I have always said, your projects are really good too!

Dustin Sevarg

Let me start be prefacing I don't have any background in advertising. I don't have any experience with my own product. But, I'll share insight regardless. Your stories are this mesh between photo manipulations and writing. So maybe pursue those paths. Your youtube channel has a couple hundred subscribers, and multiple hundred views per video. Maybe do one of those speed up art process videos, where you show people the process behind one of your more safe for work pictures. On the other side, you have talked about potentially doing Ebooks later. Maybe set up small samples, or short stories relating to them, for public domains. Literotica, MCStories, and the like.


Getting on multiple sites is a big thing, and while I don't think you should compromise your vision, a few toned down smaller stories will really help lead people in without freaking them out too much. (Especially people who didn't realize they liked squick in the first place~) Think of it as starter products to get people hooked on your larger body of work.


Thank you for the feedback. I think I will finish CoC, and then write a couple of short stories for Literotica and MC Stories. Another idea I have, now that I do 3D modelling, will be uploading a short set of pics advertising my tales on e-hentai.


Thank you, I think I shall do something like this. Anything that helps. I am so tired of having my creativity interrupted just to go do menial labor at a crap job for 10 hours a day.


I posted The Anax and SLugs and Bugs, unfortunately, someone else already posted CoC, so I was unable to make a new thread.

Rolando Rodriguez

What if you made a few videos on youtube of you drawing some non-erotic art it could lure some more people in and get your name out there. try focusing on youtube videos atleast one day out of the month it could lead to your name really spredding and an increase of patrens .