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I am unsure why, but some artists have access to this and some do not.  I sent Patreon a message asking to be a part of this, but I wanted to let everyone know that I will switch to this model as soon as it is available to me.  The background on why:

I have two issues with the current way I am forced to do this.  One, is obvious.  Originally people would patron me, steal my projects and bail, so to combat that I have to personally email all of you based on tier and date.  Quite an annoyance but you are the ones actually investing in me, and you are all worth the hassle- however, it cuts into time I COULD be creating.

Secondly, I have had some patrons join and become a bit upset that they could not get access to material because their payment will not go through until the following month.  These are good people, not thieves, but they suffer because of those that steal.  With this new system, I can make a post with a link, and leave it at that.  If you are a new patron you have to pay up front to get it and if you are already a patron it would not affect you.  However, if you are a 10.00 patron and you decide something is coming early and you want it at the earliest, so you change to a 30.00 patron, you are instantly upgraded and have access at the moment to the 30/month file.

This system is brilliant and works, but for some reason we are not all able to have it.  I am not sure what is happening.


Aftermath Team

I experienced much the same until the offer became available for me. Probably half of my pledges pledge just long enough to download what becomes available to them then vanish. The charge up front option helps ensure that we get paid for content and people aren't just pirating it exactly the way you describe above. Once I mad the change, the number of people who pledged and bailed dropped in about half, so it DOES make a really big difference. I cant remember how long I was using Patreon before the option became available, but it was a few months. I'm sure you've probably already looked around the help section of Patreon, but just in case you haven't (Or others are wondering about it) here's the best information on the subject I was able to find: <a href="https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/210291283-What-is-charge-up-front-How-do-I-get-it-" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/210291283-What-is-charge-up-front-How-do-I-get-it-</a> Hope that's helpful.


Well, I have been here for three years and still do not have it. I contacted Patreon, and they already got back to me and said it is random who gets it. I am actually lurking the different creators, and I think it is those that make over a thousand dollars a month. Even though I have been here so long, I don't make that much a month, not even close, so, I may have to wait as the years roll by and more people invest in me. Thank you, though, so even you have it. I was reading online and it has been in 'beta' for two years now... when will this thing go live for all of us? lol


hmm that link you sent me downloaded it and it wont run


the link you sent me


When you click the link it should take you to a webpage. At the bottom are all my projects so you can download all or any you want.


<a href="https://www.tfgamessite.com/index.php?module=viewgame&amp;id=1104" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.tfgamessite.com/index.php?module=viewgame&amp;id=1104</a> i go there download it and then it wont go anywhere


I've never had any issues reported so forgive me if I am not understanding. You click that link and then on the left of the page where you can download it, you are downloading the zip file, extracting the information from the zip file and then when you open the html file with your web browser, what does it say or do?


i get the game download it then brings up a page with nothing on there


I'm at work and I'll try to help you if you still need it when I get home. If it doesn't work in one web browser like chrome try playing it in Firefox or something else


the old chapter one works fine in chrome


Ok, I just ran in from work to be able to help, I'll be moving this to messages to make it easier.


Is chapter 4 coming to 10$ patrons today?