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I find myself very confused, and cannot seem to put my finger on what has happened, yet again.  Yesterday, before I went to bed, I checked my Patreon page, and I had made some significant headway in investors (at least for little ol' me) and I was up to 360/mo.  When I woke up today, it shows me at 328/mo, and I did not lose any patrons according to my notifications.  Can someone tell me what causes this to happen?



they had big problems today. loving your work


from them direct


An update: you might be experiencing high latency and delays with regards to site access and payment processing today. We are working as efficiently as we can to provide a full resolution.


no thank you for your work slugs and bugs has both creeped me out and tuned me on same with that corruption one


Looks as if it has fixed itself. Now it jumped up to 356. Anyway, thanks again, and thanks for the feedback on Slugs and Bugs! Just wait til you see my game I will make from the interactive novel as Justine's story continues!