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So, I'm well aware I say thank you A LOT. Maybe even to the point it gets annoying sometimes, I really don't care.

Let me break it down for you

I started doing this in August 2019. On a cell phone. It took me over a year to hit a stride. That was a year of constant posting. Learning how to edit. Talking to people. Joining projects. I fucking appreciate every person who listens. I try to reply to every comment I get on my reddit posts. I interact on a level I feel comfortable. I set big boundaries. Sometimes more than you may realize.

I interact a lot with y'all because you get me on a level no one else does. You saw me worthy enough to throw your hard earned money at so I GIVE YOU ALL I CAN 🖤

I'm not here to be anything other than a fantasy & your friend. I thank my supporters daily. All the time. In multiple ways. You helped me get to where I am, absolutely. But so did I. So. Did. I.

I learned how to use the things y'all help me get. I've consistently kept trying to grow, learn & better myself.

I put in SOOOO many hours. This is a love, a deep love affair with a craft that can sometimes be a bitch to love. But I do.

I really hope you understand how much I cherish every single one of you. Whether you're here forever or a little while. I do. I appreciate that y'all understand what I do isn't child's play. It takes work. And dedication. Time. Effort. Tears. Sleepless nights etc. And for that?
I'm eternally grateful.

I thank gwa everyday for giving me the reach, albeit as small as it is, for helping you find me. Lately though the way some folks act is discouraging and downright upsetting but we're gonna keep trucking on.

This is my job. My passion. My baby. I love it , even when it upsets me.

Thank you all for being the best supporters, friends, bosses (lol), hype people, listeners, actually amazing humans.

I really do appreciate it all. Every single bit.




Dr. Camn

It's an honor and joy to see and watch, even though I'm pretty new to the cohort, and I'm stupid excited because your trajectory is just incredible.


You've always been fighting the good fight, Snakey. I have so much respect for you and everything you do. There are people around that I cannot support, but you truly are an outstanding person and deserve all the support you get. So while you thank us, your supporters, I want to thank you just as much. Thank you for everything you've done. Thank you for making people happy. Thank you for being a person people can look up to.

Victoria (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-04 01:29:11 FRED :,) you always know what to say. Coming from someone I respect as much as you? HUGE praise. THANK YOU. I cannot say it enough, It's always really nice to know that at least a few people I get to know through this venture feel my vibes. You're an absolute gem <3
2021-06-14 18:13:46 FRED :,) you always know what to say. Coming from someone I respect as much as you? HUGE praise. THANK YOU. I cannot say it enough, It's always really nice to know that at least a few people I get to know through this venture feel my vibes. You're an absolute gem <3

FRED :,) you always know what to say. Coming from someone I respect as much as you? HUGE praise. THANK YOU. I cannot say it enough, It's always really nice to know that at least a few people I get to know through this venture feel my vibes. You're an absolute gem <3

Jay Zukas

We ADORE you! Thanks for everything you do, and all the amazing content! 🥰🥰🥰🥰