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Hello, I wanted to show to all of you guys how the new UI will look like in WSS Unity.

This new UI will be way more user friendly compared to the actual one (mocumocudance).

Key features:

- We tried to stick to what users are already used to, in this case we used "Microsoft Windows Explorer" style, this means that you will be able to navigate from menus to submenus in both ways (forward and back navigation, with the classic "back arrow" for back navigation)

- Total Motion controller compatibility (just aim and press the trigger to select)

- The UI will work perfectly also with Keyboard + Mouse

- Explore content in a new way, thanks to Tags and Search bar. No more endless scrolling to look for that single model you want.

- Thumbnails Previews for content.

- Windows will be pinnable, you will be able to hide them/resume them in the same state with a single button press, this means you will not need to renavigate to that submenu when you hide the UI.

- Virtual Keyboard to type directly with Motion Controllers.

- 3 Modes "VR Mode" "Vr Simulation" and "Window Mode"

- VR Mode: Classic VR mode to be used with HMD and Motion Controllers

- VR simulation: Basically the HMD movement will be simulated by the mouse (WIP mode to let the devs test the builds without mounting and dismounting the HMD every time)

- Window Mode: The camera will be controlled by the mouse, you will be able to navigate the UI with the mouse cursor (default mode the game will launch in this mode and you will be able to toggle modes in the main menu).

The UI rework has been made possible thanks to Chibi.

I have added also a WIP scheme of the actual UI.




This looks Great.

Von Yoosten

Wow! That must be one of the best updates the program's ever gotten! Really nice work. Can't wait for the download link to be released

VR AnimeTed

Awesome! Great to see the progress!

Lord Snufflepuff Fancypants III

I... Love... You... Thank you!!! I'm upping my pledge! Thank you for listening to your fans!!!


Unity!!! Awesome :)


is it possibel to have a preview for the models in the selection ?


What would you say the percentage of completion is for the Unity version ?


Looks great! Don't make it *too* user friendly though or the mainstream moral crusadors will notice it :-) Do you know if the physics part of the system is getting an upgrade? I always thought that the physics in MMD was much worse than in PMX, but I could be imagining things...


agree look great... but just a small question : is the unity version gonna be more hungry than the actual one ? in term of CPU/GPU , or its the same or even less hungry. ( just asking because i would not want to be blocked to play the game :/


Has there been any definition of a data format yet? MMD is a bit of a mess in this regard (even on top of the requirements of Japanese naming). If back-compat is intended to be kept, this could be a nice place to add a defined packaging system and 'shim' files (e.g. a list of bones and their translations). e.g. this would allow a 'new style' model with english-named bones (and even additional bones), and to include a packaged text file that translates those bones to the Japanese-named bones to allow use with 'stock' motions. Or vice versa to allow a single packaged motion to target both stock models and models with extra bones. It sounds like boring bureaucracy, but having this sort of thing in mind from the start (or even building it as you go and think of "hey this would make X a lot easier later!" notes to add) will save huge headaches over finishing everything then trying to bodge models and motions to work with a pile of disparate mechanisms.


That is awesome. I get to see the scene and characters before selecting them.


A welcome addition. If only there was a way to easily slap well made bones / rigging on one character to another.


I second that. The Elsa model is a current favorite and she tends to sperg out when paired with certain motions.


WSS has come so far, I can't wait to see the new version.


oh man, finally, a Unity update. Thank you sooo much.


just curious (as they are no news about it on this post) . is the leap function will be available in unity ? and in different mode ? like in VR simulated or window mode ?


Could there possibly be a "favorite" feature for scenes? Or sorting by newest/alphabetical? Its often a chore going throught the hundreds of scenes...


This has been a LONG time coming. Thanks for the update. Beyyoonnnddddd looking forward to when you UI is updated. Keep up the superb work as always.


I would like to know if there is going to be a "Backers/Patrons Version" with options and models something that the FREE version don't include, Have you through about this ?


Will Unity version fix the physic and the dds problem?


Some models work weird in wss and they have strange physic with their hair or clothes, and I can't fix them. Also wss does not support dds files...


^ I'd like to know that too, Unity won't be limited to whatever MMD is so I'd think you can do way more?


Holy crap, this is great! I was getting a bit bored with WSS when we seemed to stop getting new updates on the Unity version. This new UI, holy shit, it's everything I ever wanted from this app!


I am very happy about the new UI. Will it continue to be open source? And if so, from when can the development be downloaded as open source. I enjoy learning unity and there is nothing better than to do with this project. I think she's doing a very good job. I know how difficult such a complex project is. Don't worry about that if things go slowly. That's all right. But I find something entertaining about the problem of chatting. Listening to two months of silence is a bit boring. You guys are great, keep up the good work. Übersetzt mit:/Translated with: <a href="https://www.deepl.com/translate" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.deepl.com/translate</a> Deutsch/German – Englisch Because my english is deadly ;-)


I thought Fraggy was the only one working on this :o I guess you were brought on to help Chibi? :) Or maybe I just didn't notice you before xD


Ah, well, welcome :)

Lord Snufflepuff Fancypants III

Thank you for your hard work Chibi! This is a delicate question, but, knowing that it won't affect my pledge to Fraggy, do you also have a patreon page? Or do you have an arrangement already with Fraggy? Just want to know how we can support your effort.


Will the Unity version have the issue of not loading certain models with DDS format materials and having japanese names? The only thing that really irks me about using the MMD version.


Okay, so I'm not a patron (yet), but I want to say that I love this little project and have been following it for quite a while! But I'm curious about something. I know the game is technically called "WAIFU Sex Simulator", but is there any chance there could be male characters preloaded with the game? I'm even willing to commission some models/edits if I ever scrounge up enough money, since it's a bit difficult to find naked male MMD models.


you mean male character like the female (aka sex and dance is male) or male character as player (like actual one but differents and more, for POV scenes and else) ?


Well done. I hope it will be released soon ;)