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 Hello people. Mayhem here.

Hard rush I made last 3 years seems like damaged my body more then I thought.

Working day time and streaming night time wasn't really good idea for my health, even though I made decent progresses.

I changed hospital to get better treatment and now I don't feel any side effects made me suffer last 2 month.

Also, Thankfully, even though I'm having hard time and couldn't make much rewards, my Patreon is slowly getting bigger.

So it was hard to decide, but I will fully focus on working on painting on November.

too many things were delayed, and I don't want to make more delay on drawings.

And I Finished Two cover art commissions for my friends artist projects in October.

Cammy and Lulu.

I hope you guys would like those works.

and, currently working on Ryuko having hard time, and cute OC wearing wedding dress.

many other peoples waiting in queue as well, so I will try to make things fast with quality as much as possible.

That's all to share this month. If you have any questions, don't mind to ask me.

I'll answer as long as I could.

Again huge thanks to your supports. it really helps me much.

Thank you. Stay healthy and Safe.

- Mayhem


Demond Sp

The most important thing is your health, take care about you!!


Take your time to heal


take care of yourself first, your artwork comes second. your fans will be here regardless of if you draw or not.


Take it easy and take time to relax and heal. Don't push yourself please

John Silvia

Thank you for the update May, I am sure we are all happy to hear you are doing better with the new hospital. Please take care of yourself and take your time so as to not overwork yourself.