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 As our Triple Tier(2019-05) voted, I'll start making CG sets with Tristana and Poppy.

Currently base line drawing and flat colors are done, and I need to render them.

after that I could make variation scenes!

 Also, I'm working on Commissions too, for more budget.

Patreon project and Commissions would go together.

 This month, May was quite special month, after I started Patreon. (not because I'm MAYhem) 

There was significant increase with my Patron numbers after I release 'Yordlehole Traning', and I was really thankful with supports.

 Also many other peoples helped me to get my feeling much better every time when I felt frustrated.

Can't tell all each of my Patrons, friends that how much I'm thankful all the time.

Plus, I don't want to excuse, but it's true that I couldn't make rewards for my people with much paintings, yet again. I am really sorry.

 Some of you would already know that I'm keep suffering with heavy headaches, and my family health problems.

I just hope my Patrons understand me with generosity, that my slow progress is because of those situation.

 But I'll keep try to make better results for all of you even I'm having hard time.

again, thank you for supports Patrons. I'll do my best.

- Mayhem




yay <3