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 Dear my Patrons.

 I'm going to change some of features from Triple Tiers.

It's because my situation has changed.

because of health issue(mostly heavy headaches), I can't make progress like before.

so I guess I can't make promise like 'monthly character poll'.

* Tier Changes *

Triple Tier

- Changed description with Vote rights.

5. Vote on 'Monthly character poll' that determines next drawings to be done 


5. Get rights to join vote/poll when Mayhem decide next project.

more clearly described about rights with poll.

Hope everyone understand this small, but important update.

Always thank you for your support.

- Mayhem



What i dont understand is the second point in tiers. 2. See any doodles, WIP drawings I'v done! You dont post doodles at all and i think the only way to see your sketch doodles is the 10% tier to see them posted on Discord chat but even that's not confirmed. :/


Hello Arcan, first thanks for support me. and sorry about lack of posting, I was thought to post doodles as pack at once, end of the month.


also I'm using Discord channel just for saving doodles and WIP shots. it helps me to manage them more easier and channel doesn't have other purpose for now.