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Discord channel for Mayhem

 Discord channel of Mayhem invite link will be released to Third Tiers soon.

this channel provides my WIP works, doodles that doesn't uploaded on online.

for now, there are not many menu/features on channel, just only to show my works more faster to my patrons.

 And also, I would like to explain why I release my own Discord channel.

recent two month, I couldn't make a promise properly to finish monthly characters poll that only Third Tiers could do.

and my situation isn't enough to do it. I had issue with paying bills, and some health problems these days. those problems keep making me delay.

I'm really sorry that I couldn't make it more faster.

 So I decided to reward Third Tiers instead of giving poll, but to give Discord channel that easily see my recent works.

Hope everyone understand.

Thanks to patrons, I could drawing more, and learn better.

I'm always keep it in my mind. much thanks again.

- Mayhem




tristana and mayhem so cute <3