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How Canada Diddles While The World Burns: A Climate Check-in 🔥 MI 333

This week, yet another ‘mini’ INDIGENA (the fast + furious version of MEDIA INDIGENA), with some world-wide words for our 333rd episode, recorded the evening of Sunday, November 12.

No doubt sub-consciously inspired by the recent 5-year(ish) anniversary of our deep discussion of the 2018 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report—which gave us 12 years to act decisively and radically on carbon emissions to keep life viable for humanity by capping the increase in average world temperatures at a max of 1.5 degrees Celsius—host/producer Rick Harp invited MI regulars Kim TallBear (professor in the University of Alberta Faculty of Native Studies) and Candis Callison (Associate Professor in the Institute for Critical Indigenous Studies and Graduate School of Journalism at UBC) to climb atop a cluster of climate stories, to discuss how petro-states like Canada are delivering on that 1.5°C mission.

Items discussed/consulted this episode include:

  • Canada projected to miss its 2030 emissions reduction targets, says environment commissioner Globe and Mail
  • Nations That Vowed to Halt Warming Are Expanding Fossil Fuels, Report Finds New York Times
  • The Production Gap Report 2023: Phasing down or phasing up? Top fossil fuel producers plan even more extraction despite climate promises Stockholm Environment Institute
  • Indigenous resource loan plan coming but Ottawa still debating oil and gas eligibility Financial Post
  • Tar Sands: Dirty Oil and the Future of a Continent (by Andrew Nikiforuk) Greystone Books
  • “The [EPA] will review a major chemical found in tires, called 6PPD, after Indigenous communities on the West Coast petitioned for it to be banned” @nowthisnews
  • “EPA Grants Tribal Petition to Protect Salmon from Lethal Chemical” EPA.gov
  • “6PPD and Tire Manufacturing” U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association
  • ‘Salmon Nation’ salmonnation.net
  • One wind project could inspire a carbon-free future for the North Canada’s National Observer
  • Sanikiluaq wind project represents major Nunavut renewable energy policy shift CBC North
  • Diesel Reduction Progress in Remote Communities: Research summary The Pembina Institute [PDF]
  • Inuit Priorities for Canada’s Climate Strategy: A Canadian Inuit Vision for Our Common Future in Our Homelands Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK) [PDF]
  • Thinking Big: How an Alaska Co-op [Kotzebue Electric Association] Is ‘Keeping Rates Stable’ Rural Electric
  • Alaska’s experience shows benefits—and challenges—of wind energy in the Arctic Arctic Business Journal
  • Lacrosse Is Coming to the Olympics. Will Its Inventors Be There? New York Times
  • Haudenosaunee Nationals a step closer to being in the Olympics with inclusion of lacrosse CBC Indigenous

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