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Chaotic Clusterfuck

Chapter 4 (NSFW)


“Fuck, yes, fuck, fuck, YESSS~!” the hot redheaded MILF under me squealed as I railed into her. I had her wrists pinned above her and her legs wrapped around my waist. My free hand squeezed her tit and pinched her nipple as hard as I wanted, which was just hard enough to make her scream my name. “F-fuck me harder, A-Alan~!”

There it was.

She looked up at me with real tears in her eyes. Desperation oozed out of her… and I felt bad when I realized that it wasn’t desperation for her next climax.

Instead of fucking her like I owned her, I let go of her wrists and wrapped her up in my arms before pulling her up so that she was on my lap.

“Ah!” she moaned delightfully into my ears as I bounced her on my lap. I held the back of her head and kissed her passionately, making her whimper and mewl as I held both of her lips hostage. Then she clamped down on me and shuddered, her arms snaking around my shoulders and back and holding me in place. She broke the kiss and buried her face into my neck as she panted away as she orgasmed.

“Feel better?” I asked her as I caressed her head and back.

“Mmm. I feel so weird getting consoled like this,” she giggled lightly.

“There’s nothing wrong with being consoled,” I replied before I pushed her back down. “But I want to keep going.”

She looked up at me with wide eyes. “W-Wait, you can go more…?”

“Of course! It’s only been, what, four rounds?”

She opened her mouth before her lips gathered into an “oh” with a blush when she felt my dick throbbing inside of her.

Zoe mewled when I started pounding into her again and … Was that an ahegao? Oh yeah, her eyes were rolled up, tears falling, and drool at the corner of her mouth.

I couldn’t help what I did next. My hands reached up, lightly pinched her nipples and pulled.

She squealed as her back arched. She gripped the sheets tightly as she tried to hold on to what little composure she had, but between the pinching and pounding, she lost it and just panted and cried her heart out.

Then I flipped her over to her front, grabbed her waist, and jackhammered into her. She screamed like she was going crazy and seized up as she came again. She mewled weakly as my dick kept sliding in and out of her tight pussy, and I didn’t stop until I was cumming inside of her.


It’s been a month since I met Zoe and made her my lover. The recently divorced MILF certainly liked the attention I gave her, and she was still spry and young enough that I didn’t feel anything different about her or another woman I’ve slept with in my life.


Zoe realized that I was keeping something big secret from her, and I didn’t exactly want to end this relationship. In fact, I wanted to take this relationship further.

And I guessed that today was simply going to have to be it because if I started pushing this issue back, then I might not tell her.


She looked up from her breakfast that I made her (mashed potato, crisply fried bacon, scrambled eggs, butter fried bell pepper, fried onions, and fried zucchini with no other additives).

“Yes, Alan?”

“I want to talk to you… more about myself,” I said. It took a minute before she responded, and it came with a smile.

“I didn’t know you wanted to go that far with me,” she replied.

“You didn’t?” I asked her.

“No,” she replied with a shake of her head. “I assumed that I was just your lover, not someone you wanted to go further than that.”

“... I’ll be honest, Zoe,” I spoke up after a moment. “Your beauty is what drew you to me, but it’s not what got me to stay.”

“No?” she asked with a coy smile.

“You know how I started a business, right?”

“I do.”

“I didn’t know much about Brockton Bay, but you were there to help me. You showed me all of the places and people that a new business owner definitely appreciates,” I replied. “And I knew that you didn’t do it to milk me when I got rich.”

“When and not if? Someone’s confident.”

“Of course,” I replied with a huff. “And it may have something to do with this.”

With but a thought, another me stood in place behind me.

Zoe stared at the new me and then the old me.

“Oh. You’re a cape.”

I nodded. “And not just one power, either.”

Her eyes widened. “You’re a grab-bag?”

Grab-bags used to refer to people with a number of weaker powers before the First Impact. After the Second Impact, it was reserved solely for people who could wield more than one system of power.

“Yup, so when I say that I will be successful, it wasn’t me being boastful,” I replied with a smile. “And that’s my secret… and a bit of a warning.”

“Because you’re a cape… you’ll get involved in cape business,” she frowned.

“Um, yes, but that wasn’t the warning.”

She blinked. “Then what is?”

“You see the clone behind me?”


“I make a new clone a day and they are all permanent.”

And then I waggled my eyebrows.

“O-Oh,” she muttered with a blush. “I… umm… how many?”

“There’s only sixty of us living across the city right now,” I grinned back at her. Maybe my grin was more than a little malicious but it was in good fun… probably.

She gulped.

“G-give me a moment?”


She hesitantly picked and ate her breakfast, and it wasn’t until she was done eating that she had a reply for me. Before she spoke up, she looked resigned but also resolute.

“Alan,” she spoke up.


“There is no way I can have sex with more than five at any given time, and I don’t want to be stuck in bed all day every day to satisfy you and all of your clones.”

“That’s fair,” I replied. “I never expected you to.”

“That’s why…”


“Well, there’s more than sixty of you. There’ll be more of you, too.”

She took a deep breath in. “I want you to find more girls other than me.” She took a sip of water. “I’ll still be your lover-.”


She paused. “Huh?”

“If you are willing, that is,” I said as I reached into my pocket and pulled out a black box. I flicked it open and showed her the diamond studded ring. “Your earlier response cinched it for me,” I grinned as I slid down from my chair and knelt next to her. “Zoe. Will you marry me?”

Her response… let’s just say that she was more than happy experiment with me and my clone.


Our relationship with Zoe moved lightning fast but we didn’t feel that we were making a mistake by doing so.

Besides, our clones had been checking up on her while we were doing our business. She did help me and didn’t have ulterior motive as far as we could tell.

As for us? Well, we definitely liked the mature and wise ginger MILF biting her lips when she wordlessly asked us to ride our dick. Or get pinned down and get used like a fuck toy.

Because we did that.

She actually liked getting rode for hours on end with her ankles and wrists tied and her eyes covered. Maybe it was something about the loss of control during sex that she felt like she had more control in her life or something? Regardless of the psychology involved, she was receptive to our clones and powers, which also included her permission to go and look for more girls to bring to bed because she admitted without hesitation how she couldn’t possibly handle all of us, especially when our numbers grew everyday.

And you know what?

We just found our target.

A certain dirty blonde haired, freckled, and green-eyed cheshire cat…

But while our next woman was important, what was more important was our business.

And the E88 bastards who were making demands of us.



My flight is 5 hours from now. If I don't post anything, assume that I am passed out in some airport or plane.


Am I the only one that dislikes the whole, clone army gangbang thing? Like not enough to drop the stories but enough to let out a deep sigh eveytime your MC has a clone power?