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Celestial Hymn

Chapter 57


Alan Marris

As my ship leisurely flew north to my next target, I thought about what my life would be like after this. Oddly enough, I just realized that this was the easy part.

Yeah, laser-slicing dragons and inferior Mongols and planning to bomb the White Walkers was the easy part.

The rough part was going to come once everyone realized just how powerful I was. It was one thing to have a flying warship that let out a rumbling boom, but that’s just a noise. It was one thing to be a man capable of rendering reality asunder with my thought because that’s just one man who was shown to have weaknesses.

It was another for that reality bender to have a weapon of war that could be given to someone else.

It meant a change in power through means that no one else could fight back.

It meant another Targaryen Dynasty.

Which I didn’t want.

And I think I know what to do.

Once I dropped all of the bombs, then I’ll lay low for a while, only participating in the Regency Council and not doing much else. I’ll teach a few of my acolytes into becoming proper mages and then send one off to the North to fulfill my promise of a Mage’s Tower there. I’ll have the rest form their own little council of mages here in King’s Landing and then give someone else my Mage’s Tower in Brownspear.

As soon as setting up the two towers and the council was done, I’ll leave Westeros for good.

With all of the advancements in both technology and magic that I’ve made, I was sure that I could leave Planetos entirely.

As for the destination, that I wasn’t quite sure about.


Less than two hours after I bombed Dragonstone, I was flying above the Wall.

The True North, as those north of the Wall called it, was an ever-snowy wonderland, and as I flew over it, I couldn’t help but wonder if this was a scene I might have seen if I had flown over Siberia in my past life.

More impressive than the True North was the Wall.

It was as I remembered seeing it in the TV show.

A thick and tall wall of ice.

I looked at the wall from the edge of my bridge and saw how many Night’s Watch brothers were looking up at us. I could guess how nervous they were simply from how they were moving about frantically. It was interesting how they prepared bows and arrows…

I wondered if I should even alert them.

But then I remembered that I would be moving to the Deep North, which was so far north beyond the Wall that while there might be some effects, it would be pointless to tell them about it.

With that thought, I told my acolytes to keep flying.

To the Deep North.


The White Walkers came out to greet me, but just like the humans that they raised their minions from, they were powerless to do anything about me.

After all, I was flying a good mile above them. What were they going to do? Fly up here? Their main ride were spiders, not dragons or birds.

“T-Those are Others…” one of the acolytes muttered as she and the other acolytes stared at the zoomed and refined live video of the White Walkers currently gathered around on the ground. “Milord, did you come here to destroy them?”

“Yes,” I replied simply. “And I’ll do it in a fashion that leaves no ambiguity as to whether they survive us or not.”

I did not power up the lasers again. Sure, the lasers would do a good job of searing the land and cutting up anything below, but there were simply too many of them for me to get before they fled.

No, for the White Walkers, I needed a large-scale permanent solution. The Hammer that I left back home couldn’t be that solution because squashing zombies didn’t do much except inconvenience them.

Instead, I willed all of my power, spirit and magic, and focused.

My will triumphed over reality. I stood above reality. I could do with it as I wished and it could not stop me.

Sweat dripped down my eyebrows as I forced a large vacuum to form right above the White Walkers, and though they noticed my magic at work, they didn’t know what I was doing. Hell, they didn’t even see what was happening because vacuum, by its very nature, couldn’t be seen even in this snowy weather.

I gritted my teeth as even more of my magic flowed out of me to turn my thoughts into reality.

And within that vacuum, subatomic particles sprung into existence not from nothing but an existing fact of reality. I condensed the fabric of space into that vacuum and removed any matter that sprung to life…

But all of the antimatter remained.

This wouldn’t have done anything unless done at a large scale but that was the reason why I was folding space and layering it to hasten the harvest process.

I let out a shuddering breath as I felt my reserve hit half, roughly, and kept going.

Now, both the White Walkers and my acolytes could see the darkening sphere where space had been folded so heavily. It wasn’t anything like a black hole, no, but light just looked dimmer and distorted.

As my magic reserve hit a quarter of full tank… I let it go.

The vacuum imploded as air rushed in to fill a volume of space closer to a skyscraper than the size of a watermelon that it appeared to be. That air and snow then met the very thing that I had been harvesting.

Two grams of antimatter.

It took just a single touch between them and matter for the reaction to occur.

For a brief second, there was only light. My acolytes turned away from the screen.

“Get us out of here,” I gritted out from the captain’s seat, and my acolytes did just that.

And then turbulence struck my ship. People screamed and I held on, pushing out the meager reservoir of mana I still had to shield the ship from the antimatter bomb that I’d just spawned on top of the White Walkers.

Antimatter bombs were no different from fission bombs. The radiation they leave behind will leave this land harmful to inhabit, even with magic to protect them.

And if magic was too busy protecting the surviving White Walkers, then that was magic they couldn’t use for other purposes.

It was a win-win, but I doubted that any White Walker survived the antimatter bomb.

With that, we flew back down to King’s Landing.

It was time to prepare for when I would leave the grand stage that was Westeros.



Where to next then? Anyone coming with you?