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Farmer, Not Jedi?

Chapter 5 (NSFW)


“So… I just have to do something I have been doing my entire life? Kill to live?’

The giant one-eyed monster in front of him - who wore an immaculate “suit” of fine fabric and colors on the other side of the table with more papers than Bjorn ever seen in his life - nodded to his summary. “Yes. You will be taken down to the planet with six others of … slightly less skilled fighters. They may have weapons and armor that you may not be familiar with, but they will be on par with your average vikinger.”

Bjorn looked down at his hands.

Could he … do it again? He remembered dying in Askeladd’s arms, hearing that he was his friend.

… No, that was the wrong question.

The right question was if he had a choice in this. If he could do something else other than to kill. Because that’s the kind of thing Askeladd would do.

And when Bjorn thought about it, he realized that he couldn’t choose.

“I want to know why you want me and these vikingers to kill this specific man,” he said after a while. He was a Norseman. He was a vikinger. He couldn’t step away from what he was, but it would soothe his mind if he knew -.

The thing in front of him smiled. It was an ugly smile that he saw many times in vikingers he’s met.

“It’s for entertainment.”

Those words did not ease his mind at all… but it was not a sentiment he did not understand. No, he understood perfectly well that people killed each other for the smallest of things, at least those who had grown dull to killing in a world where killing came easily.


The thing’s smile only grew bigger. “Alright, then. Up you go. You and your fellows will be going a week from now, so prepare as best as you can.”


Time passed on my farm without any incidents after the first raid, and despite the rocky start to our “relationship,” Stephanie settled in with next to no issue.

Or actually, if there was an issue, then it was the fact that there was nothing for her to do on the farm because the plants grew quickly, and the number of clones I could make increased almost daily as I practiced with not just the clones themselves but also on other objects.

See, there was a very critical flaw with Twice’s power.

I needed to know the exact dimensions of what I wanted to Double. This meant everything from waist thickness, muscle tone, hair length, weight, height, and even the shape and curvature of the toes. The less I know, the more imperfect and prone to failure the Doubled object and/or person becomes.

And while I did not have a measuring tape like Bubaigawara Jin did, I had hands that could give me referential experience. Touch something enough times and you simply knew it. This was actually how anti-counterfeit specialists knew if the currency in their hand was fake; they walked around with real money that they knew for a fact was real in their pocket and rummaged with it non-stop and for hours on end each day, when they touched a counterfeit, the counterfeit wouldn’t be “right.”

A gut instinct, essentially.

But what was gut instinct if not the amalgamation of experiences and emotions that our brain tried its best to put into a whole picture that we can refer to?

And as the weeks wore on, not only did my clones become better, so did their numbers as I was no longer “forcing” correction with Psychic Talent.

Considering that the Twice could make a literal mountain and tsunami waves out of his human bodies, it said a lot about how badly I was using his power that I could only make a hundred clones.

But now, I also had my “gut instinct” for Stephanie’s body after spending half a day everyday kissing, touching, licking, lifting, and fucking her.

“Wow,” Stephanie - the real one - muttered as she walked around in circles as she inspected her clone. Her clone, however, thought the entire ordeal was stupid.

“So I’m da clone?” she drawled. That’s how she normally spoke in English when she felt relaxed. Her arms crossed under her C-cup breasts. Like her original self, she didn't have any clothes on because I wanted to make sure that I got every single detail correct… Including what was inside.

Stephanie had forgone wearing clothes when she wasn’t sleeping - and not having sex - at night, which was the only time that the air got chilly. It also had a lot to do with the fact that I had a tendency to go from hugging her out of nowhere to fucking her.

It was … a bad habit that I developed after acquiring her and touching someone other than myself after days and days of isolation.

And as she said “if I’m gonna hafta wash it every day because you wet it with your dick and my pussy juice, then what’s da point wearing it?”

“So how are we going to test … me?” Stephanie’s clone asked while turning to look at me with her hands on her hips.

“I’m going to have one of my clones take you two away,” I told her. “And then I’m going to take turns fucking both of you. If I can’t tell the difference, then viola, we’re in business for Steph’s clones.”

“... So the usual? You jumping out of nowhere and fucking me until I’m dribbling cum from my pussy?” Stephanie asked me with a raised eyebrow.

I nodded with my best Obama Approval Face. “Pretty much.” On the spot, I made a new clone of myself with a wave of Twice’s “grey goo.” The clone stepped forward and without a word took both of them by their waists and led them away. “Give me a signal, aight?!” I called after them, and my clone gave me a thumbs-up.


Her master was a beast of base urges.

He couldn’t keep himself from touching her. Embracing her. Using her.

But was she in any position to complain when he sent her to nirvana every time he made her orgasm? She didn’t know how he made her orgasm that powerful and how many times he made her cum for everyone one of his. It could be that he was using his power. It could be that it was all natural.

Regardless of how he did it, sex was an ever present thought in his mind to the point that instead of normal testing to compare and contrast herself and the clone, he decided that sex would be the way to go.

It was, however, predictable.

Predictability, though, did nothing to help her in her current situation.

She whimpered and moaned as she felt his thick dick stretch her pussy as he shoved himself down her wet pussy while she had her wrists and ankles tied to the pole above her head with a blind over her eyes and a thick strip of cloth over her mouth to keep her from talking.

This was … new.

And that made her body react as he drove down into her and filled her to the brim.

She panted.

“Mo’~...!” she whined when he didn’t move and just held himself there.

“When I walked in here, I thought it would be just another normal sex,” Alan cooed. “But look what I found. Steph tied up, ready for me to use however I see fit.” Instead of starting to pump her, he instead gyrated around in place, and she squealed as her pussy convulsed from the pleasure he was forcing on her. She pulled at the cloth restraints, but they were too strong and too well tied.

She whined with need as he finally began to pull his dick out of her but at an excruciatingly slow pace.

Stephanie choked on her spit momentarily when he drove himself down back up to his hilt in one abrupt slam. She jolted when she felt his hands come down on her thighs and press her down further onto the bed, and once he had her firmly pinned, he started pounding into her.

She squealed and mewled as his dick pumped her pussy and stretched her deeper and wider as he took sick pleasure in sliding his dick in at different angles to get different moans of her as if she was some kind of instrument!

She nearly sobbed when she felt his dick pressing tightly against her cervix, and her toes twitched as she came in that position.

She gasped for air, which the mouth cloth thankfully didn’t prevent, but her gasps turned into mewls again as he pounded down into her through her pussy’s own milking twists and presses. She felt every groove and bump on his dick even more intensely than before, and helplessly took his dick.

She orgasmed again when he pinched her nipples and pulled them up as he hilted himself fully, and she trembled like a fall leaf in the wind. No, she almost vibrated in place from how hard she was cumming.

Then she froze as he plugged her up and -.

She moaned as she felt hot semen shooting down into her. Her toes and legs twitched the most as she felt herself get loaded up in this position.

Alan let out a sigh of relief as he pulled out of her.

“... Yeah, I can’t tell,” he said as he undid her mouth cloth. “Alright, are you the original or the clone?”

“C-Clone…” she moaned out.


Then she heard gushing sounds that his cloning power made.

That’s when she heard four pairs of feet in the room.

“Aight. You lot have fun with her, alright? I’m gonna go and fuck the original. I really couldn’t tell, and I have to know, you know?”

“Yeah, yeah,” the same voice but from elsewhere in the room replied. The room’s door opened and then closed behind the four and rapidly disappearing feet… leaving her with three of Alan’s clones in the room. “Alright, how are we gonna fuck her? All at once?”

“... I mean, she’s already in a cumdump position, right? Let’s just run on a train on her.”

“Wait, wait, that’s too much-!” whatever she wanted to say got muffled by a kiss and then the return of the mouth cloth. “Wai…!”

And her cry turned into a squealing mewl when she felt his dick back inside of her.


“You … really … couldn’t … tell?” Stephanie asked him as he held her against the wall and pounded into her from the back. His big hands and fingers stretched from her waist and covered a good third of her ass as he pulled her toward him as he thrust into her and pushed her away and against the wall as he pulled out of her.

She bit her lips and closed her eyes as she came for the fourth time today in the middle of his strokes, and the way his dick ignored her pulsating and squeezing pussy as her body tried to milk cum of him only made the pleasure greater from the intensity of their grinding sexes.

“Nope,” he grunted from where he’d planted his head next to hers on the wall. Her arms reached up and wrapped around his neck and head as he finally filled her up and held himself there and groaned as he came.

She shivered as she felt another fresh load of his cum, and squeaked a little as she came again.

“... So are you the original?”

“N-no…” she moaned. “Y-Your clone told us to tell you that w-we’re both c-clones.”

He snorted … and then went right back into pounding her pussy.


Overall, I can now reliably clone Stephanie. This also meant that not only did I have more Stephanies to fuck with me and my clones, we now had someone with combat mercenary experience and skills to help fight off enemies.



Next Chapter: The Second Raid


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