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Commissioned by Southmonk

Debauchery Worlds

Chapter 14 (NSFW)


Alan Marris

2981.01.01 midnight

David II

New Year's Day and party went off without a hitch and with a lot of joyous celebration from all of my people. Our entire compound was alight with lights, steaming with food and drinks, and in the residential quarters, couplings.

We had our own share of the celebration with a few of the freed slaves, some of the locals, but most importantly, with Tuka.

In her apartment room away from the densest centers of celebration, Tuka and I sat on her bed with our lips locked together and our hands exploring each other’s body. She sat on my laps with her blonde hair cascading freely down her back. We broke the kiss and just stared at each other.

My Tuka wasn’t the cheerful and helpful person she was in her world’s original timeline. She was a quiet girl, a little too traumatized by the events that occurred. She tried to be stoic, but wanted the warmth that only someone else can provide.

My hands ran up her sides and around her back, and she closed her eyes as she shivered while luxuriating in the feeling of my warm hands running over her skin.

She opened her eyes again as she held my face and kissed me again and again, gasping and panting between each kiss as my hands began to reach more sensitive places. Her entire body shuddered as my fingers caressed over her breasts and flicked her nipples. Her back arched when my other hand reached below and groped her ass.

She finally stopped kissing me and looked at me again.

“I… want you in me,” she whispered with a flush. “Please.”

Wordlessly, I obliged. My hands snaked under her thighs and lifted her up. With her weight off of my laps, my strained dick finally popped up and throbbed in the cold winter air. With only a bit of maneuvering and Tuka’s own fingers guiding my length toward her entrance, I lowered her down on my dick and groaned into her neck as she did into my hair as I felt her warm folds engulfing the head of my dick. She was soft, warm, and tight.

Tuka panted lightly before holding her breath and bucking her hips, making herself dip down further below and pulled more of myself into her.

If she wanted it that bad, then why should I hold back?

I lowered her faster than before and before either of us could really register it, I was up in her to the hilt. She quivered, and I belatedly realized that she was cumming from getting filled up.

“Naughty, girl,” I cooed into her ear as my hands moved up from her thighs to her waist. With how slim she was, she didn’t weigh enough for me to even minutely struggle as I lifted her up and then slammed her back down.

Tuka mewled as she clung onto me as I began to pump her up and down on my shaft, making her tits jiggle and bounce against my chest while her lips made those delectable noises for me to hear.

But it wasn’t good enough for me.

Tuka squeaked when I flipped us over and laid her down on her back. I hovered over her in the dimly lit room, and she looked up at me with an unnerved yet wanting look. The flush extended down to her neck and upper chest, and her chest heaved with each breath, making her tits push up at the peak of each breath.

“I love you, Tuka.”

She bit her lips and then smiled. “I love you, too, Alan,” she whispered as our hands moved to grasp each other.

I pinned her to the bed like that, her hands pinned on either side of her, and began to pump her.

She really let herself go then, moaning out wantonly as her eyes began to roll up as her pussy squeezed tightly around me.

My own thrusts quickened to become plap plap plaps that echoed around the room, and then -.

I slammed my entire length into her and held it there as my balls squeezed and my dick throbbed. I saw white spots as my dick spasmed and shot rope of cum directly into her.

Her pussy squeezed even more tightly than before as she came with me, and squealed as her back arched and left her stiff and shuddering in ecstasy.

Finally, we came down from the high but still breathless and gasping.

I pulled out of her, making her whine at the sudden removal. She shut up a little in embarrassment when I got tissues and cleaned both of us before pulling the sheets over ourselves.

She giggled as she wrapped her sweaty arms around me, and our cooling but still sweaty chests pressed sleekily against each other.

“Goodnight,” I whispered and gave her forehead a kiss.

She hummed without a word and we both fell asleep quickly.




ASteroid Belt, David System

Just because the original spent the night with Tuka didn’t mean that the rest of us didn’t have our own fun times, either.

2J5 waved goodbye at the winged siren that had negotiated her way into Mining Dropship Crawdad. Shoari wasn’t actually a prostitute, not when she agreed to be all of us clones’ “only” woman. She even wanted our babies. But marriage like that wasn’t allowed in the Federated Suns, so we were all lovers.

Of course, none of us clones were interested in selfcest, so our dusky-skinned and brown-haired Shoari spent a lot of time pleasuring multiples of us every night.

Last night just happened to be 2J5’s time with her along with 5MA.

“Just another day of mining, mining, mining,” he hummed as he took up his post on one of the breaker claw stations.

Crawdad was a dropship of our own design. We took inspiration from the Leopard-class dropships, but spun it with designs from Star Citizen’s Catepillar-class modular freighter. So instead of mech bays, our Crawdad had bays specifically designed for asteroid breaking, sorting, processing, and storing. It strongly reminded us of the New Eden’s Orca-class industrial platform ship but on a smaller scale as our Crawdad couldn’t offer refit maintenance stations to refit ships on the fly.

2J5 thought about where the ores we mined here will go to.

Well, he knew it just as the rest of the connected minds did.

Once our long Crawdad came to a stop next to a suitable asteroid that’s already been scanned down from at least a hundred kilometers away, we would open the bay doors and bring out the lasers, breaker claws, and mover arms. The breaker claws, in particular, would be used to cut down on the asteroid fragments for better sorting. As the asteroid was cut up into smaller and smaller pieces, more direly needed elements would be melted down while certain crystalline or metallic alloys would be kept as they were.

Once the cargo hold was filled up completely, we would return to David II. Our factories there will start churning out parts, components, and equipments that our forces on David II and elsewhere will use.

Like our variant of the Cutlass-class Troop Transport.


Interlude: A “Training” Exercise

Captain Adam Rumanstaf

David II, 2981.01.06

Captain Adam Rumanstaf had been a member of the 41st Avalon Hussars for … almost a decade now.

He’d been in several raids, but the counter-invasion of David II had been his first non-raid battle as a battlemech warrior. His family-owned mech, an EFD-5D Enforcer they finally purchased after being on the Archernar Battlemech’s waitlist for twenty years, took a few hits here and there, but it proved its worth by letting him take down half a dozen light battlemechs and allowing him to salvage a Spider for his family. Last he heard from his little sister, she was happy to have a mech to pilot herself.

On the other hand, his exemplary service history in addition to his stellar performance on the invasion and defense of David II ended with him being voluntold to take part in the weekly training session between the 41st Avalon Hussars … and the Marris Mercenaries.

This was not something any of the mechwarriors liked because, aside from the fact that their mech would get damaged even if the mercs gave the 41st discounts for armor parts, nearly all of the Marris Mercenaries Frakenmechs and “manufactured” mechs were utter bullshit.

If Adam knew his scores correctly, then it would take at least three medium mechs to take out one of their medium mech but it would take at least seven light mechs to take out one of their light mech, because their light mechs were ridiculously fast, small, and powerful. In contrast, they needed three heavy or assault mech to take out one of the merc’s heavy or assault mech because of how tanky they were! All of the technicians and the one nerd they had in their ranks were pulling out their hair trying to figure out how the mercenaries were building assault mechs that could withstand three other assault mechs!

This, of course, supported a hush-hush rumor that the Marris Mercanries may have been some kind of cryosleep Star League agents who woke up during their invasion of David II and were building up their forces to restart the SLDF or something.

Personally, Adam didn’t buy into that rumor. He thought that the mercs must have found some experimental SLDF research sight, which must have included some kind of rapid production technology.

“Oi, Adam.”

He looked up and saw his coworker and a woman of the same rank as him, Johanna del VaCoriana. She was everything he wasn’t: young, sexy, inexperienced, and competitive as hell. She was also his friend if only because he couldn’t bare to let the hotheaded airhead make so many enemies because of her inattentiveness.

“What?” he asked her.

“Why aren’t you getting ready for the fight today?” she asked him, raising her sandy blonde eyebrow while looking down at him like he was at fault for something.

He gave her a flat look before looking back down at his desk, which was filled with stacks of paperwork he needed to fill out. He waved his hand. “I’m doing this because you and our other mechwarriors submitted all of your requisitions forms late.”

“... Come on, Adam. It was New Years just a few days ago!”

“Yeah, and guess who had to be the sober one.”

“I thought you volunteered for that?”

His cheeks twitched. He took a deep breath in and let it out slowly and then went back to complete the last of the paperwork. “We still have five hours before our training session. I suggest that you go and do something productive til then.”

The idiot decided that training before training was the productive thing to do.


“What?” Adam uttered out in disbelief. “You cannot be serious, general.”

General Jamakawa, who liked to personally oversee this specific training, shook her head. “I am serious. I asked the mercs to bring their heaviest mech.”

“General, we don’t even know what their heaviest is,” someone else pointed out.

“I know,” she replied evenly. “I’m hoping they want to bring something suitably impressive to show off so we do know what their heaviest mech is.” Then she clapped her hands. “Alright. You know your assignment. This is an attempt from our side to see whether or not a properly organized lance of four battlemechs can take on their assault mech.”

With that, the pre-”training” meeting concluded, and the four mechwarriors assigned to this week’s training moved to their mech bays.

Over the course of the next half-hour, Adam thought about what he was going to do. As an Enforcer mechwarrior, his role in a lance was clear: be the flexible leader and mechwarrior who can jump in at any moment if their assault mech overextends and shield the light mech if they get focused on by the enemy.

His lance was composed of one heavy (piloted by Johanna), one medium (his Enforcer), and two lights.

As he climbed onto his Enforcer, he thought about how they should fight the merc’s assault mech, though others argued that it had to be a “superheavy.” The last time they had fielded an assault, the quad heavy lance had been cut down, just barely losing out against the merc. That mech had been -.

“Captain Rumanstaf, are you ready?”

The question from the lance mechanic jolted him out of his thoughts and he looked forward.

“Ready,” he said as he pulled out his mech key. His Enforcer rumbled to life, and he pushed it forward. With heavy thumps, it emerged out of the mech bay and into their training site, the rocky valleys of the Ahoran Valley. He looked to his left and right and saw the rest of his lancemates joining him. He turned on his speaker. “Alright. You guys know the drill. We are holding this exercise as if we are on a raid to take out a factory. Our objective is to not get knocked out, destroy the facility, and take out the ‘experimental’ assault mech on-site.”

“You mean get our asses handed to us?” someone chuckled.

Adam rolled his eyes. “Professionalism, people. Are you all ready?”

“Yes, captain.”

“Of course, capt.”

“I’m good to go.”

“Then let’s get a move on. Our control should be transmitting the information we need…”


Johanna huffed as she strode forward behind her lance commander.

Unlike Adam, she volunteered herself for these training exercises after her first loss. To her, the idea that she, a prodigal mechwarrior, would never win? It galled her like nothing else. At the same time, it was fun fighting them. They didn’t thrust their hips forward while stupidly shouting “FOR HONOR!” or being assholes. Who cares if they’re mercs?! All mechwarriors here should be clammoring to fight them over and over again so that they get better!

But noooo everyone just thought she was the crazy one.

She looked around and saw that they were now standing in an intersection of three valleys meeting each other.


She pulled her mech to a stop and quickly contacted Adam.


“Yeah, I heard.”

She quickly moved forward, an oxymoron for a heavy mech, to put herself between whatever was heading their way in the middle of these rocky valleys. The two light mechs they had in their lance had gone scouting, but hadn’t reported anything back.

“Charlie, Sigma. Where are you guys?” she heard Adam question.

“I’m trying to find a way to the factory site from the south.”

“I’m looking for the mech but I can’t find it. I’m … 3 clicks from your position.”

Adam cursed. “The enemy mech is on us. I repeat, the unknown enemy mech is about to engage us.”

She raised her Crusader’s medium lasers and readied the SRMs; LRMs wouldn’t be able to hit the enemy because of how the valleys were like with their sharp corners (for mechs).

And then it appeared from around one of valleys right in front of them.

“What the hell is that…?” she muttered as her computer tried to identify the mech.

It was … big. Bigger than her Crusader. It also had to be a superheavy, because it was holding in its left hand the mother of all “fuck you” shields that covered its entire front. In its right hand, it gripped a long shaft of … a warhammer. It also looked like it had some kind of jet boosters on its back.

A melee battlemech?

“Engaging enemy mech!” she shouted before firing all of her SRMs at once. Her rockets flew and slammed into the shield. The rockets exploded … and did nothing to the shield, only leaving behind black singes to show something exploded. Then she opened up with her lasers. The lasers streaked out and slammed into the shield as the enemy mech advanced. Again, it did nothing. Fuck, it didn’t even heat up the shield to red!

“Shift to the left, Cor.”

She did, and Adam fired his Enforcer’s laser laser and AC/10. The explosive shell and the laser slammed into the shield and managed to halt the mech’s advance…

And then its jet pack lit up. The assault mech jumped off the ground with speed she didn’t expect nor could have expected.

“Fuck, pull back!”

“I’m trying!”

It crossed the hundred-plus meters between them in under four seconds, far too quickly for her to reverse at her Crusader’s full speed. And then it was upon her. Its raised warhammer blurred down and smashed into her mech… with surprising lightness.

Crusader disabled!” her command’s control reported, and she grumbled as she allowed her mech to move out of the way. Then the mech, which she now saw had a jet booster that was half the size of its torso, moved onto her lance commander’s medium mech. The Enforcer tried but it too was too slow to dodge a jet-boosted melee mech in this confined valley corridor and got hit.

Yeah, the mercs put out another ridiculous mech. An assault mech that had burst movements that allowed it to cross distances most medium mechs would be hard pressed to match.

“... We’ll beat it next time.”


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