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Vice Bunker

Chapter 44


Copying the steampunk tinker’s work took me no more than a day, and I continued on with exploration with the drones while I began to look into the tinkertech’s mechanism itself to see if it could be applied to my bunker; we did have a source of water nearby that can be used just like how the man had done it.

When I looked more in-depth, I realized that while the tinkertech might look like steampunk or frostpunk tech on the surface, it wasn’t; it was nuclear fusion disguising itself as steampunk while using the shards themselves to bypass some of the energy requirements and containment procedures that a regular fusion device needed.

It was, in essence, technology that I already had. The most I got out of spying on the tinker was steampunk aesthetic.

Oh well.

… I’m getting sick of the snow.

Maybe I could do something about it.


“What are you working on?”

My main sub-body, the main body I used to walk around that wasn’t the actual main body deep underground, looked up from the ball of nanites and bigger components bubbling in front of me. Standing across the desk and looking quizzically at the new device I was making was Taylor.

My eyes momentarily drifted down to her abdomen and beheld her pregnant bump. Yes, my girl was pregnant and I was very happy about that. I already knew she was happy, but even as changed as I was, something about seeing my woman pregnant in front of me made the lizard brain go “yesh, happy happy.”

“I’m working on a device to do something about the snow and the apocalypse.”

She froze.

“Wait, you can do something about it?”

I nodded, happy to see her trust what I was saying without any reservation. Most of my women were like that. They trusted me but that also had a lot to do with what I had already accomplished. I did, after all, defend us from numerically superior foes like the Cannibals and notorious monsters like the Slaughterhouse Nine, and make a whole underground city.

“I couldn’t before this,” I replied. “I am also not 100% sure if I can. The main cause of the freezing apocalypse is the change in weather as a result of the moon fragments crashing down to the planet. Water, dust, and everything else they cause as they crash is what’s causing this. If the moon fragments continue to come crashing down, then whatever change I can make won’t stick, kind of like how treating a mental disorder without treating the root cause won’t change anything.”

“Oh,” she muttered. She had looked hopeful but after my explanation, she probably felt a bit bad.

“But,” I added. “If the meteors aren’t as big and numerous as before, then we can try to capture the dust in the air and burn some oil to get the planet warm again. But even with tinkertech, it’ll take some time.”

She looked up again and bit her lips. “So … we might be able to have a family on the surface?”

“Not within the decade,” I shook my head. “But we will be able to eventually.”

She smiled softly. “That’ll be nice.” Then she paused and frowned. “Are you going to be bringing more … people into the harem?”

I paused. “Why the sudden question?”

Her eyes narrowed. “You’re not denying it.”

“Well…” I muttered. Was I going to just straight up admit it? “Yes.” Yes.

She huffed. “Fine, but they need to get approval from the rest of us, okay?” She left after saying that, leaving me to return to my tinkering.

She did, however, bring up a rather interesting point.

When was I going to add a new woman to our family? While Kali and Harley were still being supported by the Waifu Summoning, they were very close to no longer needing existential support. Maybe I could go for another summon.

Of course, I might get someone who might not be amiable to live underground for an extended period. I might even get someone who might rebel against me because she just doesn’t like me. On top of that, Waifu Summoning specifically decreases the chance of me drawing someone powerful who can help me. If my two previous pulls were any indication, then there was a very high chance that I would not get someone with a power or skills that I specifically require at this moment… not that I need any specific power or skill right now considering that any technological needs could be met by my lonesome. In fact, drawing someone whose power might be harmful was also a chance. For example, any of the Harry Potter cast would be harmful as their magic would interfere with any tech I had and would continue to do so until I develop some kind of shielding. Their magic might even draw the attention of the Entities because, let’s face it, Harry Potter magic was kind of bullshit; a witch or wizard can have a daily output of energy that was more than what their body had. Hell, telekinetically throwing a boulder using the wingardium leviosa spell was a lot of power, never mind the more impressive feats of magic like the fidelius charm.

If the Entities ever came across a wizard or witch, then there would be trouble.

Even so, I wanted to summon another waifu because I still could. It wasn’t that I wasn’t satisfied with Vicky, Taylor, Kali, and Harley with the occasional helpings of Sophia and Amy, but it was the idea that I could have more.

… But first, work on this tech, think about waifus later.



I feel sorry for the mc, his greed and lust have overwhelmed him if he is incapable of staying happy with what he has, just because he could have more, especially if that something is relationships. I really hope for him and for everyone around him he learns to be better.