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Syringe in One Hand, Gun in the Other

Chapter 14


“So you want her?” Lisa asked us as she looked at Gloria Hernandez’s files. She didn’t even care to wear her bra as she sat on the bed after waking up.

“Yes,” we replied as the body that had slept with her sat up. Because Lisa was still unwilling to do it with more than one body, she had given us “permission” to go out and get more girls as long as we didn’t bring them back home.

“I’m surprised you didn’t choose someone more … conventional,” she hummed. “I thought you had a thing for lithe blonde girls.”

“We also like big boobs,” we said as we slipped around her and cupped her tits.

She twitched and continued to look at the file on the bulky and hardy tablet. She could throw that thing and it’ll survive a hundred-foot fall.

“I guess she has tits to spare,” she grumbled.

We kissed her on the neck as we hugged her. “Don’t worry. If you want, we can show you just how much we … appreciate you.”

She twitched again. She knew exactly what we meant. We had suggested it enough. Her on the bed surrounded by many of us who all would appreciate her lovingly. To let her mind drown in the pleasure without her body falling apart thanks to the healing syringes.

“I haven’t gone that far yet,” she hissed while elbowing us before hesitating a little before hugging us back. “But you can show your appreciation after breakfast. I’m too hungry to think about this.”

Even though her power didn’t work properly around us, she insisted on doing something and so she had been doing some paperwork that we neglected to even do.

Why have paperwork when everything we had was owned by us?

“... And she has a kid?”

“Yes,” we replied. “But we don’t mind. He might even become the responsible older brother.”

“And the man of this family…?” she asked leadingly.

“Left her when she got pregnant.”

“Ugh, he was a douche then.”


“Fine, fine. Go and serenade that MILF.”


Gloria found the mercenary at his usual place, and sat down next to him by the bar.

“Why are you always here?” she asked him as she waved the bartender over and ordered something cheap.

“I’m not always here. I just happen to be here when you’re around.”

She gave him an unimpressed side glance before taking a sip of the cheap beer she ordered. She set the cup down and turned to face him fully. “Well then, here I am. What do you want?” she asked. “You can’t be here everyday just to buy chrome from me even on days you know I don’t have them.”

“... Can’t I just come by to see you?” he asked her and she blinked.

“Ah? No way,” she scoffed. “You want to hang out with this old lady?”

He looked at her with that fish-eyed stare of his before shrugging. “Why not?” he asked her. “I think you’re pretty nice in this hellhole of a city.”

She looked at him as if he was crazy.

Was he…? No, it couldn’t be, right?

“How about I take you out for dinner and you can decide how serious I am,” he replied.

She stared at him and then scoffed again. “Alright, did your friends put you up to this?” she asked with a snarl. “Lure a single mother, get her drunk, or some stuff like that?”

“No, I’m being serious,” he replied. He shifted, making his full-body armor - white and red almost glistening plates and sheets of metal with more electronic inside them than most chrome - sparkle in the dim light of the bar. He turned to look at her. “How can I show you that I’m serious?”

She glared at him before crossing her arms. “... I guess I’ll have to see if you really are serious with that dinner.”

He smiled.

… He didn’t look too bad in her opinion.


Real beef.

How long had it been since she had real beef?

It was also a pretty good if easy way to show how serious he was. It was hard to deny he cared about her enough to drop five hundred eddies for a meal. He pulled out a weird ass car to drop her off at her megabuilding, too.

She felt a little … off. Maybe it was because it’s been so long since she had a date with someone. Everything she had been about keeping herself and David alive.

The idea that someone would be interested in her that way was not something that she had even entertained for … at least a decade now. Not after he left her.

She stood outside his car as he looked up at her.

“... Why me?” she asked.

“I like you. Do I need any more reason than that?” he asked her quizzically.

She scoffed again. “... Huh.”

“Wanna go out again later?” he asked her with a grin. It didn’t quite reach his eyes, but then again, nothing seemed to reach his eyes. It made him look stupid.

She almost giggled. “You know what? Fine. Next week right here. Pick me up, got it?”

“As you wish~,” he chuckled before driving off.

She watched him go and then sighed in relief.

He was a weirdo… but he might be a decent weirdo to have around. Despite herself, she walked up to her home in a happy mood … until she walked in and saw the mess David made.

The good mood evaporated and then the sandal came out.



La Chancla!!!


Dread it, run from it, the Chancla arrives all the same.

michael stitcher

https://youtu.be/WMM6P_S6QFE?si=wZBXVz2kQuvH69fs. You best just take the chancla... there is no escape from la Madre!