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Syringe in One Hand, Gun in the Other

Chapter 10



It began with her wanting to get her first time done and over with.

It didn’t end with her not wanting to have sex again or Alan not being interested in her anymore. If anything, she found herself completely enthralled by the mind-numbing pleasure, loss of control over herself, and the warmth of someone else wrapping around her and pulsating in her.

Her next day did not begin with some romantic morning kiss, a hangover and headache-induced panic, or even despair over her situation. It began with a resigned acceptance over her own decision and the unexpected anticipation for the next time that she would have sex. Was it weird? Was it awkward? She wasn’t sure of anything anymore and her lack of power (correction: her suppressed power) didn’t help.

She winced as she sat down for the breakfast that Alan was making. The smell of bacon overpowered any of the other ingredients he was using at the moment, but she didn’t particularly care about that. She was hungry, she didn’t have to make food, and she was going to eat soon.

Minutes later, he brought the plates of food over to her while his clones also ate in their own little circles. She knew that this Alan was the Alan she’d dragged off to have sex with and woken up to.

Alan set the plate down in front of her with a cup of clear water in a lumpy ceramic mug. She looked at the mug in surprise. She expected … something different.

“It’s one of our first ceramic successes,” Alan spoke up as he sat down in front of her. “Some of the clones have been assigned to make ceramics for a number of reasons.”

She hummed as she picked it up and drank from it. She set the mug down and got ready to start eating.

“So,” he began. “How was it for you?”

Memories of last time popped unbidden into her head, and she froze as … she wasn’t sure. Was she embarrassed? She did way too many things with him that she didn’t even think she would. It’s one thing to be disgusted about sucking a man’s dick but it’s another entirely when she’s half-fried with hormones.

“I… liked it,” she admitted with a sigh.

“Good. I liked it, too, and I’d love to do it more with you,” he smiled roguishly at her.

Wait, what? Did she just think that he looked good?

‘Ugh. Hormones. You are the worst.’

Blaming her body brought very little comfort, especially when she noticed the leers all of the clones were giving her, just waiting for her to give them even half an excuse to bring her to bed.

“Wolves. All of you are wolves,” she growled as she speared the bacon on her plate with her fork.

All of his clones laughed at her blushing indignation.



Having sex with Lisa … really felt good.

But there was also no way that she alone could satisfy all of us. No, she’d break mentally and physically if we let ourselves all have a “turn” with her.

This just meant that we had to find other women who would be interested in us or get paid to have us have sex with them. I was not, however, interested in any of the worlds connected to Earth Bet at the moment. Who knew where and when the Red Queen, Bonesaw, and Nilbog’s stuff might pop up? We did change the course of history, after all.

No, we needed to explore more universes beyond the current network of worlds held together by loose association.

Already, there were clones that had set up portal makers and were just waiting for approval from the rest of us.

Oh, and yes, we also needed a world where we could buy or extract resources from.

So we gave the go-ahead and the first expedition to explore new worlds was a go. Gates activated and portals opened up. Teams of five clones, armored and armed to the teeth in the most elite Rust gear and even some new tinkertech stuff we managed to acquire and research, walked bravely to a new frontier!

… well, for most of the clones.

There was a clone that had another job.



“Why do I have to do this again?” the weirdly armored guy asked her.

“Because I said so,” she huffed at him.

Alan, his name was, stood next to her in his weird metal chestplate, road sign belt thingy, and coffee can mask! (HAHAH@^@#$@#AHAHAHAHAH@#$@#$@#AHAHAH-!)

He was a riot. Who the hell thought coffee can facemask was good?

Apparently, this idiot who could see her through her Stranger effect.

And now, because she’d roped him into this, she was riding on his shoulders without her brother without knowing about it.

“Who are you talking to?” Brian asked Alan with a frown.

“Your little sister. Stranger effect.”

She watched with a grin on her face as Brian tried to puzzle out what he heard. It took him almost three minutes to realize he’d forgotten about her, which was right when she pulled her power back.

And began to fake cry.

“My big bro forgot about me. Wah. Wah. Wah.”

Brian, once he saw her, just deadpanned at her once his initial panic had subsided.

“You’ve been doing this the entire day, haven’t you? Just f- messing with me?” he asked with dead eyes, and Alan nodded as she broke out into giggles. He threw his hands up, turned, and left the Heartbroken’s headquarters at the heart of the refugee city only five miles from Alan’s big ass base.

She didn’t think that this world was where this guy was at! She just came here because she heard there were some questionable masters.

Questionable masters that she had taken care of before finding Alan here.

“... So now what?” he asked her.

“Now?” she grinned. “You show me where Taylor is.”


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