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God of What?

Chapter 32


Alan Marris

And it was done.

My clones reported to me that they had completed the annihilation of the Apollo Familia and made sure to check if they were breathing or not. They even made sure to remain around the familia manor for five minutes to check for any survivors.

They found none.

Apollo Familia with its god was dead.

For me, this was great news.

Not only did nerve gas work on adventurers who were Level 3, it also worked on unsuspecting deities. It seemed that though their bodies held great powers that they held back in fear of retaliation, this great power was only so useful in their flesh and blood bodies.

Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful!

The nerve gas was not just a nerve gas but a confirmation that my normal knowledge, knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology, and more, could be used to my advantage here! That they wouldn’t be trumped by some conceptual bullshit!

I couldn’t help the grin that split my lips.

… Now that I had done the deed, I wondered how the rest of Orario would react to an entire familia’s assassination.

I shivered.

It would bring great change to Orario, and I would make sure to take advantage of it. For myself. For Hestia. For our children.




The day had started like any other. She opened her eyes with an anticipation of the drama that was to come. Apollo would engage the Marris-Hestia Familia, drag them to a war and then subsume the weaker familias and kick out their gods from Orario.

It would leave Bell open for her … persuasion.

But when she looked down upon the world after waking up, she saw a spot of nothingness. It took her a moment to realize that the spot of nothingness covered the area that the Apollo Familia manor was at. She would have liked to immediately dispatch one of her children to see what was going on, but it might bring her unnecessary trouble about how she might have known about whatever problem the Apollo Familia had.

So she didn’t react and waited for someone else to react in her stead.

And they did react.

And the news that got to her shocked her to the core.

Apollo and his entire familia were dead.





News trickled in. Apollo did not die by stabbing. He did not die by some other means. He and his familia just … fell over and died. Those who were in bed died without even realizing what had happened.

Was it poisoning?

No, that was quickly ruled out by the Guild.

By the end of the day, the only thing they knew was that this was a premeditated assassination of an entire familia and their god, and everyone was now looking at Apollo’s rivals, who were all vehemently denying their involvement.

Freya… Freya wasn’t looking at Apollo’s rivals. No, she was instead looking at Marris-Hestia Familia. Oh, Hestia would never do something like this. It wasn’t in her pure kind nature. No, but Marris could.

Marris, whose first child looked more and more corrupted in her eyes each day, definitely could. Did he hear about her request to Apollo? Did Apollo talk to anyone outside his familia?

Marris, though, apparently reacted like anyone else did, “horrified” by the senseless deaths that had taken within Orario’s walls and “incensed” by the death of a fellow deity.

Freya might not be able to demand him to speak the truth but she could see his soul.

That darkly stained, haphazardly stitched, and malevolent mess smiled in her soul vision. He relished in the deaths.

He was no better than Hermes.

Marris… that bastard took out her pawn without even showing his hand!


Bell Cranel

She woke up today with plans for greatness!

Bell Cranel was going to hit Level 2! She would (be) drag(ged by) Yor into the dungeon, find loot to loot and monsters to kill, and finally become a Level 2!

She was so close!

And … and everything got derailed because even before she got to the dungeon.

“E-Eh?!” Bell yelled in surprise. She quickly looked around and saw everyone looking too busy to have noticed her loud faux pas. She turned back to Eina, and whispered just loud enough for her to hear with the loud background noise, “Someone killed a god?” she asked.

Eina looked disturbed as she nodded.

“Because of that, the Guild is stopping everyone from entering the dungeon right now. We don’t want who might be responsible for it to escape justice by diving into the dungeon,” she explained helpfully.

Bel shivered.

… could something like that happen to her goddess? To Marris? What would happen to her and Yor if that kind of thing did happen?

“O-Okay, Miss Eina,” she stuttered out before she felt a hand on her shoulder. She nearly jumped before remembering that Yor was next to her. She looked up at him and he smiled at her.

“I guess we’re just going to have to do some extra training at home, no?”

And now, she felt terrified for a whole new reason.

She woodenly turned to Eina and began weeping. “M-Miss Eina, save m-me…!” she begged as Yor began to drag away.

Eina just snorted while looking fondly at the two of them before giving them a goodbye wave.

So cruel!


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