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God of What?

Chapter 30


Alan Marris

Today wasn’t supposed to be any odd day. In fact, we had a whole schedule, saw nothing happening from any of the big familias, and got to work doing our own things. Yor and Bell went to test out her new weapons. Hestia went to talk -*cough*play*cough*- to Hephaestus. Victor was leading all of the younger kids like a gang leader.

Which left me.


Just … working away. Shutting myself in with pulsating and squirming biomass.

Maybe there was something wrong with me. I guessed … maybe I’ll fix it once future problems cease to exist.

‘Apollo is on the move.’

I opened my eyes in the dimly lit room as my youngest clone, Lily, communicated to me via the hive link.

‘What is he doing?’

‘The handsome bitchass just asked a bunch of his kids to instigate a fight with Bell.’

‘... And how do you know this?’

‘Because Janice is using her wind power to make the sound in the Apollo Familia meeting hall reach us. Can’t get too far from the familia manor without losing audio fidelity, though.’

I hadn’t thought to use that power like that. You go, Janice! Or me. Since she(?) was my clone. I was going to be sad and scared if I started having gender issues because of my own decision to make girl clones.

‘So Apollo is coming after Bell?’

‘Yes. He is convinced that he can get her to love him.’

There was a screech within the hive link, and we all realized that Yor had been listening in.

… And then I remembered that my first clone had feelings for Bell just like I did for Hestia.

‘I think,’ I grinned. ‘We should let them try to pick a fight with us. But Yor, you will be there with her, right?’

‘Yes.’ The answer was immediate. ‘When are they going to try?’

‘Soon. Apollo wants to try his hand at War Games to put an end to us.’

‘So … canon.’


‘And how well do you think we will do as we are?’

‘Janice and I will wipe the floor with them~,’ Lily cackled. ‘Though I would certainly like having more upgrades before we fight them.’

‘I’m fine,’ Janice hummed.

‘I want an upgrade, Alan,’ Yor grunted through the link. ‘I want to pummel them.’

‘As it is your right.’

Even if Yor and I weren’t exactly as close as a clone and his original should be, I was not into NTR, thank you very much, and was also very much not into NTR happening to my clone. Sure, I didn’t like Bell as much as he did - probably already fucked her in her bed and didn’t share the memory of it just like I did with Hestia - but Bell was still part of my familia. Joint familia. Whatever.

And Apollo wanting to take what was mine?

That was not acceptable.

‘I have half a mind to just poison him and his children in their manor,’ I thought. ‘It wouldn’t be too hard to make some nerve gas…’

‘If you’re going to do it,’ Yor grunted again. ‘Do it before they try anything with Bell. If it happens right after, then we’ll get some suspicion thrown our way.’

I blinked. ‘You’re okay with me committing murder? Just like that?’

‘Maybe if they didn’t include Bell in their shitfuckery, then I would care a little. But they want Bell and so I don’t care.’

Lily and Janice giggled. ‘Men, right?’

‘Oi, you two were born less than a few weeks ago. Don’t act like you’re not still me.’

‘Aww, but why would we keep thinking like you do? Besides, having a pair of milkers like mine changes how you think, you know?’ Lily giggled again. ‘Seriously, it does. When you get half a dozen men every ten steps leering at you, you really start thinking differently.’

‘So,’ Victor asked, having entered the hive link. ‘How are we going to do this? No doubt Freya put him up for it, so she’ll be watching.’

‘Freya? What does she have to do with this?’

‘Why would Apollo care about Bell out of nowhere? This has Freya written all over it.’

The rest of us exchanged mental glances before shrugging and agreeing.

‘I say we should just gas them,’ Yor snipped. ‘There’s no need to draw attention to ourselves by going along with whatever show Apollo wants to put on.’

… Honestly, that was the truth of the matter. The more we stood out, the more attention we would get in return. It was a positive feedback loop that would continue until we found a niche in the ranks of Orario’s familias.

‘... Well, you know what our pops always said,’ I said as I began to make nerve gas. ‘You want it? You do it.’

‘You’d rather let all of Orario get information about us?’ Victor asked. I could tell he wasn’t happy with my answer.

‘No, that’s not what I said. Yor specifically wants to gas the Apollo Familia. Well, he gets to do it himself, because personally, I’d rather ask you lot to lure his familia members to the dungeon, kidnap them, knock them out, bring them to my room here, and let me experiment on them.’

I felt the rest of my clones distancing themselves from me. Mentally and metaphorically, of course. They were my clones. They could never escape me.

‘Dude,’ Lily muttered. ‘Not cool.’

‘Eh. Yor, your nerve gas will be ready within the day. Just come pick it up whenever and kill Apollo Familia whenever.’ It was a solved problem already, then. I decoupled myself from the hive mind and went back to working on my next project.


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