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An Arcanist in Karakura Town

Chapter 50


Matsuda Yoroi
Of the Ten-Nihon-Onmyouji (Imperial Japan Onmyouji)

Head of the Mitsui Group

The fact that he was making this call was a failure on his part, and one he will fix as soon as he got the chance.

In 5 … 4 … 3 … 2 … 1 …

Toot toot. Toot toot.


What the hell was ‘yallo’?

“This is Matsuda Yoroi,” he spoke evenly. “This is Marris Alan-san, yes?”

There was a pause before the man spoke up. “{Oh, good morning, Matsuda-dono! Or should I call you Elder Four?}”

“My family name will suffice, Marris-san,” he replied.

During their initial meeting that cleared up misunderstandings and normalized relationships, the mad magician had given him his phone number in case they needed to contact him. He had offered the same, so now, they had a clear line of communication.

Which he was using now because something had happened.

Something utterly stupid and young that he should have expected it but neglected to act upon it.

“I called you because there is a good chance that the Six’s granddaughter and my grandniece will show up in Karakura Town to challenge you to a duel.”

“{... Okay, and why would she do that when we did all of the diplomacy stuff?}”

“She refuses to accept that you are powerful enough to warrant the diplomacy in the first place.” A pause. “And you also killed her beloved grandfather.”

“{Right, right,}” Marris hummed. “{So… don’t kill her?}”

“That would be appreciated.”

“{Right, so I’m going to need to know how strong and durable she is.}”

“... What do you mean, Marris-san?”

“{Like how many slashes can she take from a katana kind of deal?}”

Oh. Oh, dear. That was the basic assumption that the mad magician was going off of?

“My grandniece, Hina, is a human.”


“She will die if she takes a stab to her chest.”

“{Are you telling me to baby her?}” the magician asked incredulously.

“She is expected to inherit the seat of the Sixth, so yes.”

“{... Are you sure you want to have a weakling sitting among you? Is that how the onmyouji operate?}”

This magician was mocking them. “No, only that you have already signed a treaty with us, and it would … behoove us both for it to break so quickly. After all, my grandniece can’t possibly hurt you.” Then he added with a smile. “But do humiliate her however you wish. It will serve as an excellent lesson for her and a comedy break for you.”

“{... You know, I knew I liked you for a reason. For an old man, you’re not half-bad, Mitsui-dono.}”

“I’m pleased to hear that.”

“{Wel-. Oh, wait. Is that her? She’s kind of loud.}”

Yoroi sighed. “Yes, that would be her.”

“{Aight, I’ll send her over your way later today. Or send some of your people to pick her up if that’s more convenient.}”

“My people will be there by … noon.”

“{Sweet. Have a good day, Mitsui-dono.}”


He put his phone down and pinched the bridge of his nose.

Between the mad magician’s insanity and his grandniece’s recklessness, he didn’t know which one gave him more stress.



Hina glared at the gaijin magician across the street from her.

He had neither the dignity nor the authority that her grandfather had. She also refused to believe that this lump walking around in baggy basketball shorts and a t-shirt was strong enough to have defeated grandfather.

He had to have ambushed him! Struck a low blow! Killed grandfather with treachery and tricked her granduncle!

So she struck first.

With a practiced throw, she flung a dozen talismans at the now alert magician.

And just before they struck him -.


-they exploded! Smoke bloomed around the street and few of the city’s residents who have been nearby quickly ran away.

She grinned.

It worke -!

“Oi, oi, oi, you’re just another typical collateral damage barbie, aren’t you?”

She froze and stared at the smoke cloud as unnatural winds that hadn’t been there just moments ago swept into the street and blew the smoke away.

Standing exactly where she had ambushed him, the American magician glared at her. There was a perfectly circular area around him that wasn’t touched while area closest to that circle had the most damage from her attacks. Chunks of asphalt and concrete were missing, cracks ran across where mass hadn’t simply disappeared, and the man just looked a tad bit annoyed.

She just struck him with the high-end talisman bombing run, and he just looked annoyed.

“I don’t need two collateral damage teenagers in this city, so can you please leave?”

“You killed my grandfather!”

“And he was a dick.”

She threw more talismans at him as she ran around, trying to get around the corner to her right-.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a … phone?

And her eyes widened in surprise when that white phone expanded outward, clasped around his right hand and arm, and crawl-covered up his shoulder before expanding again in size.

He swung and then touched something mid-air.

And the air vibrated.

She didn’t see it until she felt it.

A wall of air just buffeted against her with enough force to knock her off her feet. She tried to get back up but couldn’t; she was seeing right but her body couldn’t tell what was the sky and the ground and just kept on tumbling around on the ground. And that’s about when nausea came out of nowhere and struck her with the force of an uppercut.

She doubled over, trying not to throw up.

“You can’t even stand up to fight me, and you came here for revenge?” he asked her, and she heard the derision and pity in his voice all too clearly. “You should be glad your granduncle called ahead, or you would have been a smear on the wall like the last dozen or so assassins and Hollows.”

“Wha…?” she slurred her speech.

She couldn’t take it anymore nad threw up.

When she was finally done, she flipped over to her back and gasped for air. She looked up at him as he walked over to her and grimaced.

It took him a wave of his hand and she was completely defeated.

This … this was beyond humiliating.

“Your people are coming to pick you up, so don’t do anything stupid, hmm?”

She glared at him.

“But seriously, that was pathetic. Are you on STEM path or something and pick up the onmyouji thing as a hobby?”

What?! She was the best combatant in her clan! She was … soundly defeated with a single swipe of his hand.


She felt like throwing up again.

“Well, I guess I better call your granduncle to tell him how disappointing you were at combat. Seriously, all it took was a simple vibration attack to knock you out. I’m pretty bummed out.”

She was going to kill him. She will make him scream.

“Good morning again, Mitsui-dono! Ah, yes, I have met your grandniece, and I gotta say, she’s better off studying than fighting. Like, wow, she’s out after one hit.”

She was going to make him scream for a very long time.

She turned to her side and threw up again.


A/N: yay, chapter 50 :D
Couldn't gotten here with all of you, so thank you all!



All he did in this chapter was make an enemy that would target his girls to get back at him. He really should have either killed her or incapacitated her right at the start. Antagonizing someone that has subordinates and would likely target your family is a stupid idea. Better to just kill them. Not to mention making allies with idiots that are basically saying you're breaking the agreement if you fight back are shit allies.