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A/N: like I announced before, I’ll be taking this week off due to finals


Commissioned by Kejmur


Insistent Assistant

Chapter 15


“And now we have two ships~!” I grinned happily.

Sure, it took a bit of work for us to clean the deck of the gore, blood, and bodies. Sure, some of my green crew threw up over the rails when they saw the remains. Sure, the Marines on the island we finally got to stop at was a bit miffed that I would be able to hold onto the ship because I had the Letter of Marque from Ilisia Kingdom.

Apparently, it was the law in the seas (that the World Government patrolled and controlled) that any pirates and their possessions would fall under the government possessions unless the one who hunted down the pirates fell under a number of exceptions, one of which included the Letter of Marque.

And also the pirates lied about the troubles on this island. Who knew pirates lied?



I was actually a little miffed.

The pirates I slaughtered were bottom-barrel kind of pirates; none of them were strong, had devil fruit powers, or even had skills that made them stand out. What I fought was nothing more than dime a dozen pirates. The pirate equivalent of office drones. Even their captain, the fanciest dressed bloke, hadn’t been anything special.

… Ah. I had the perfect word for it.

They were Rats. Powerless, weak, and preying on those weaker than them.

“That’s what true pirates are.”

I looked up and saw Jack sitting down next to me. The two of us sat on the edge of my new merchant brig while the rest of the crew was on their shore leave. I’ve already sold all of the goods I’ve brought from Ilisia to the dockmaster, who was more than happy to buy them at the price I quoted.

“What, the rats?”

“Rats…” Jack hummed. “I guess that’s a good name as any for pirates. So what are you going to do now?”

“... train, I guess?”

He groaned. “Seriously? You have a tropical island kingdom in front of you, who feel indebted for taking down a pirate that’s been harassing them… and you’re going to train?” he asked while gesturing to the port city of Ballywood Kingdom, another World Government-affiliated nation with a seat at the Levely.

I shrugged.

“I don’t particularly care for it,” I replied with ease. “Maybe once I’m strong enough that no one can touch me, I’ll go around looking at places.”

Jack frowned. “Then that day may never come.”

“... Why do you say that?”

“Because there’s always a bigger fish in the pond. Don’t you know that?” He gestured to himself. “Look at me! I am Captain Jack Sparrow, the proud owner of the Black Pearl. I’ve sailed the Seven Seas, met kings, queens, beggars, and prostitutes alike. The world’s greatest empire fears my name-.”

“You mean groan in shared pain at having to deal with you.”

“Hush you.”

I snorted.

“Besides, a pirate is a dishonest man! It’s about going out and making money for yourself and yourself only, not this whole ‘One Piece’ nonsense! No, no, no. They are not pirates. They are adventurers, glory hounds, warlords, and lords! Leave piracy to pirates. Besides … not all treasure is gold and silver, mate. One Piece? The lure of it is ridiculous. It can’t be gold and silver, so if you’re going for that, can you even call yourself a pirate?”

“Doesn’t that make me more pirate than most pirates out there? I just happen to have done my share legally and without hurting anyone.”

Jack grinned. “You’re reading too much into it.”


I trained.


I swung.

“Strike harder!”

I swung.

“Keep those feet moving! Keep those eyes peeled and move them independently of what you’re going to do!”


“There we go, much better! Swordfighting isn’t just about how you swing a sword, it’s about planning steps further than your opponents have planned!”


“It’s about outfoxing them! Like me!”

“Oh, shut up about yourself already!”

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Finally, I manag-.

Ah. It was a trap.

My sword flew out of my hand as Jack hooked it out of my hand and sent it flying.

“Damn,” I grunted as I backed off.

“You’ll get there,” Jack grinned. “You just don’t have as many tricks as I do.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I grumbled as I walked over to the sword and picked it back up.

I noticed then that some of the crew had returned and watched the two of us training on the deck.

“Hey, boss?”

I paused and looked to the speaker. It was … forgot his name … J… J … Jack? No, Jacob?


“Jacobe, skipper.”

“Jacobe. What is it?”

“... Do you think you can teach me how to fight with a sword, too?”

I blinked.

“You know, it’s dangerous out there in the seas,” Jacobe reasoned. “I mean, I have this pistol,” he said as he tapped the pistol hanging in his sash, but it’s not as good as a sword when I have to fight pirates up close like you did.”

I glanced at Jack.

‘Can you teach other people like you are doing for me?’

‘Unlikely. But you can teach them the normal way.’

Was there anything to lose for me to train some of the crew to be able to fight?

Even if they can do only a quarter of what I can, that was still a lot of fighting they’ll be able to do.

I might even be able to take on some of the bigger threats like Arlong if it comes down to it.

I grinned at the thought of taking the fight to the bigger fishes (*snrt*) out there.

“You know what? Show me that you have the determination to learn. Show me that and I’ll teach you,” I replied. “I’m not going to each someone who’s just going to go and give up after a tenth of the full training.”

The crew looked at Jacobe, he looked at me, and I looked at him as he remained quite.

Then he stood up from where he’d been sitting on the side and stepped up.

“What would you have me do?”


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