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A Lewd Cultivator in Brockton Bay

Chapter 60


When I reported that I had nearly a hundred subdued, formerly armred gangsters and foreign agents, it wasn’t just the PRT and the Protectorate that came rushing but the FBI, CIA, ATF, and the nearest SWAT teams.

Nearly two hundred federal and local agents showed up to make the arrests for those still alive, and quite a number of sheets had to be produced for the dead.

Some of the officers and agents didn’t like the fact that I essentially took the law into my own hands, but the fact that there were foreign agents mixed in with the gangsters kind of dampened that line of thought among their numbers, especially because Gesellschaft agents were proudly bearing their insignias and thus there was no question about who they were working for.

Sure, it wasn’t the same as Nazi Germany spies popping up in America in the 1940’s or a Soviet spy in the Cold War, but this was the closest thing my contemporaries would encounter to what our parents did.

(Hell, there was a good chance quite a few of them joined the forces because of stories they got told when they were children.)

Regardless of the circumstances and reasons, this also presented a problem. See, when these federal agencies all got together, they didn’t like to share whenever they didn’t have to. This meant that the PRT, FBI, CIA, and ATF were all arguing over who had jurisdiction over what. ATF backed out first because while guns were involved, their jurisdiction was quite dry and clear. FBI threw in the towel after PRT and the CIA made it clear that this was an international matter.

CIA absolutely refused to give up. PRT didn’t let go on their end, either.

Now, all of them were also wary of me. Aside from the fact that I took down a lot of people, which would seen me arrested myself if it wasn’t for the fact that these were clearly foreign agents colluding with local gangsters, it was also the fact that I seemed to be at the head of an army of my own. Amy’s spirit jaguars scared the shit out of more than a few federal agents, though local PRT agents from Brockton Bay seemed more or less fine with me and the jaguars.

Why wouldn’t they be? They’ve seen or heard about the jaguars before.

In the end, I left after I got bored of their legalese. I did promise to come home as soon as I could.

When I came back home, I got greeted by my wives and told them what happened. They were just happy I was back safe and sound and laughed over the headbutting of federal agencies.

And then Vicky’s water broke out of nowhere.


Unlike last time, none of us panicked. Why?

Because Amy was there.

It’s one thing to have the healer go into labor, and it’s another to have her sister go into labor with said healer right there to help her along. Hell, we didn’t even go to the hospital!

It actually didn’t even take an hour, and Vicky felt only minor pain after Amy suppressed it.

Vicky held another ugly baby, but he was our baby.

“... Mark.”

“Hmm?” I asked her.

“Mark. His name is Mark,” Vicky grinned, only slightly sweating.

“After your dad?”


“... Okay,” I grinned. “Well, everyone is waiting outside the house. Wanna let them come in and see the newest member of the family? If you are up for it?” I asked and looked at Amy, who nodded.

“Sure,” Vicky replied. “Man, I thought my own labor was going to be a mess like yours, Amy.”

“Oh, shut it. I didn’t have a healer helping me along,” Amy grumbled playfully.


Vicky blushed a little at the abrupt complaints from her stomach.

“I had to use a lot of energy to keep her body from getting too tired like I was,” Amy quickly responded. “She’s lost something like two pounds of fat from the labor alone, not counting the baby, of course.”


“Mark, yes,” Amy hummed before poking at the rapidly tiring baby. “Hmm. Healthy. I don’t see any problem whatsoever, physical or genetics.”

“That’s great,” I smiled and then blinked when Vicky held up Mark towards me.

“You can carry your son, too, you know.”

… right. My son.

My hands weren’t as steady as I thought they’d be when I gently and gingerly took him from Vicky, and held it the way I’ve already been taught to hold babies.

My son squirmed and crooned in my arms, and I couldn’t help but feel that misty-eyed feeling I had when I held Olenna for the first time, too.

We walked out into the living room of the house, and met all of the in-laws.

Crystal was quick to coo over the youngest of the family as did Carol and Sarah.

“So a boy or girl?” Eric asked.


“Finally!” he huffed, and some of us laughed at that.

“And did you guys choose his name yet?”

“Vicky did,” I said and turned to her, wanting to let her say it herself.

Vicky smiled. “Say hi to Mark.”

For a moment, her dad looked at her and then back at the baby.

“As in-?”

“Named after you, dad,” Vicky grinned brightly.

Mark had a moment of stunned silence along with the rest of the family before he had to cover his face as the tears began to fall. Not too long after that, he began to really cry. Vicky got teary, too, and she started crying.

Some of us laughed with the two’s happy tears and it was generally a good time for us.


“So he has two kids now?” Hannover asked.

“Yes,” Mi replied as she looked at her phone with her legs draped over his thighs. “They just posted that. ‘Welcoming Mark into the family!’”

He didn’t know what to feel about that. On one hand, taking care of children was a stressful and endurance-testing life that left little time for anything other than work (depending on the condition of the kid, not even work). This also meant that their dear old Rabbit would be stuck changing diapers and not messing with any Elite operations.

On the other hand, if any of his goons ever touched a single hair of either of those kids, then it would be met with a much more powerful, much angrier, and probably nearly unstoppable murder-machines.

Oh, he knew about Panacea’s wood jaguars. Everyone fucking knew about them, and his informant within the local police force sent him a report about an ambush Rabbit sprung upon the Germans. The pictures… Even as a veteran cape, it was hard to look at crushed heads, some chewed with teeth longer than his fingers. So it wouldn’t be just Rabbit that would come after anyone who touched the kids but Panacea.

So. If any of his goons ever touched the kids, then it would get him killed. Even if he wasn’t killed, there was a good chance that the Elite as a whole might be blacklisted from ever getting healed by Panacea, who was the only cape that could reliably heal non-brain cancer with 100% success rate. That blacklist would see him lynched by the rest of the Elite.

“Make sure everyone knows about … Mark. Anyone caught snooping around any of New Wave’s houses without approval will talk to me.”

“Okay~!” Ni replied from above him, her thighs around his head.

He rubbed his cheek against her naked inner thigh. Her smooth naked inner thigh. Hmm, so soft…

“Too bad for me that neither of you wants babies.”

“Ugh, no thank you.”

“Yeah, no.”

He chuckled.

“But sex is awesome?”

“Definitely. I actually like your finger more than your pecker.”

“Really? I like his tongue more than his dick or fingers.”

“Spare this guy some feelings, girls. It’s heartbreaking to hear his dick sucks.”

“But you always make us feel so good~.”

“Yeah, yeah.”



Thought they were pregnant? Aborted?