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God of What?

Chapter 2


Hestia stared up at the tall black-haired man and immediately knew he was a deity just like her, even if he wore funny clothes.

“Sorry about that!” he said with a smile and extended his hand to help her. She grabbed his hand good-naturedly and with a smile of her own.

“... Sure,” she replied as he pulled her up. “I’m Hesita. Who are you?”

“Call me … Marris,” he nodded? It was like he was affirming his name rather than telling her his name. “And you are?”

“Hestia the goddess of the hearth.”

“Marris the god of transformation.”

She blinked. “Transformation?” she repeated. “I didn’t know there was a god for that.”

“I guess that makes sense, considering that I just descended,” he laughed.

“Really? Me too!” she giggled. She looked him over. For a god, he was pretty calm and collected. But then again, he called himself the god of transformation. For all she knew, it might mean that he used to transform into some sort of evil monster in the night. “Say, you’re looking to make a familia, right?”

“Of course!” he nodded. “... You know what? Let’s talk over at a bar over food and drink.”

She grinned. Free food and beer? Sign her up!

“Yes! I know a place!”


I should have expected Hestia to bring me to the one place that all rugged adventurers seem to come to in this city.

The Hostess of Fertility. In the story, it was a tavern run by Mia Grand, a former captain of the Freya Familia. In my new reality, this remained the same. In fact, there seemed to be less waitresses than in canon. It’s possible that this was the case because one of those waitresses was really Freya using her magic (not arcanum) to disguise herself in an effort to get close to Bell Cranel.

And speaking of Bell Cranel, the boy hadn’t arrived at the city yet. That was the gist of the timeline I got when Hestia, now half-drunk after five pints of beer in that small body of hers, complained about how no one wanted to join her familia.

Some of the adventurers sitting next to us laughed at her misery, and I rolled my eyes at them all.

Honestly, I invited her along because I wanted to see what kind of person she was. In person. What I saw was …

“Heyo~!” Hestia giggled as she waved at me from across the table. “Handsome, why *hick* couldn’t you be a regular person~? Could’ve asked you to be in my *hick*!”

She was a very talkative and honest drunk.

Somehow, though, her clothes - as threadbare and hanging by a literal thread in some areas - managed to stay on despite her constant exaggerated movements and drinking. It must have been god-stuff.

As for me…

“And that’s another one down!” someone in the crowd called out as the next challenger collapsed from alcohol overdose.

I was making myself some money.

“I’m next!” a new challenger shouted… and I realized belatedly that it was Bete from Loki Familia.

I’m meeting all kinds of famous people today, aren’t I?

“And who would you be?” I asked him with a bit of a slur in my voice. My eyes did not glance over to Hestia whose tits were jiggling on top of the table as she stood up and down in her inebriated state, trying to do something. Whatever it was, she failed and she slumped, making her still covered tits spread out a bit as she leaned forward.

More than a few eyes in the crowd were on her.

The crowd cheered as Bete put down his money and the waitress brought out another pint of beer.

“Bete from Loki Familia. I’m going to show everyone that Loki Familia is the best!”

Equally brash as his fictional self. Good to see. Just meant that I had more buttons to push.

“Oh yeah?” I asked. “Well, if you can drink this god under, I’ll believe it.”

See, gods in Orario weren’t that different from humans because, in essence, they took on mortal forms. They were immortal beings that will go back to the heavens if they want to, but no god wanted to go back to the dreary heavens where nothing changed.

Alcohol was something that affected gods, and as Loki herself often showed in the books, gods got black out drunk, too.

In my case, however, I had self-biokinesis. With my control over my own biology, I was flushing out the most of the alcohol while keeping just enough to feel the buzz and the warmth. What was going to happen was how much piss I was going to make, how much weight I’d gain, and whether or not I should just convert all of the excess alcohol to shit for easy disposal.

Bete downed a pint and slammed it down.

I smiled.


I walked away from the Hostess of Fertility with a bag of valis in one hand and supporting Hestia with my other as she clung onto me in her piggyback ride.

I smiled, still buzzed and warm.

My first day in Orario was fun!



This is a good way to make some money while abusing self-biokinesis. And who can resist in those kinds of taverns drinking bets, huh?

Richard Whereat

Aiight. Make her part of your family.