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Zabuza’s S.Adventures

Chapter 39


Now back in Konohagakure with his women and children yet feeling like shit because he had inadvertently helped the one person in this world that he did not want to benefit.

Kushina saw it, the way his rage flowed out in invisible ways yet without killing intent. She had him benched.

His coworkers and friends saw it. They tried their best to not mention his last mission.

Gai saw it. The Green Beast of Konoha let him duke it out in the training grounds. Kushina scolded them both for the extensive damage Training Ground 9 received.

Mei and the refugees of the Mist heard it and … they didn’t blame him. In fact, they raged about the fact that the Mist dared to use their new home to make their already horrible Bloody Mist spread throughout the rest of the Land of Water and seethed at the future massacres that were sure to happen not just to ninjas and their clans but civilians as well now.

Mei offered to help him plan any revenge, but he didn’t want her help. There was nothing either of them could do on the national stage. Oh sure, he could try to kill the Mizukage and he might even succeed if he somehow got Konoha to help him.

Unfortunately for him, Konohagakure was all too focused on the Akatsuki threat at the moment and was unlikely to offer any meaningful help. He wouldn’t, too, if he was in Kushina’s seat. There were potentially six plus S-ranking missing-nin, all of whom were crazy about collecting Jinchuuriki like some demented bug collector.

With that said, he felt impotent and couldn’t change it.

Sex was great, yes, but even that was losing appeal when his rage simmered at a low broil constantly.

He took a deep breath in and let it slowly through his nose.

Surrounded by all three of his babies, he kept himself in check. It was one of the few times where he was both happy and incredibly out of his comfort zone.

Was he supposed to be more active? Was he supposed to be more hands-on?

People answered the questions, of course, but it didn’t change the fact that he was always out of his comfort zone.

He loved them to bits, and being around his babies - Zuko, Hanora, and Mina - along with his women - Haku, Eri, and Tayuya - made him feel satisfied. It was a way, the three women learned, to keep him in check when he became too antsy.

He also could not simply leave, especially because Haku and Eri had taken Tayuya out on a “girls’ night out.” They left him, essentially, to take care of the babies on his own.

He’d already cleaned their diapers at least once; as smelly as they were, it was not a big problem.

The problem was his own antsy body fueled by the constant reminder his mind provided for his latest fuck-up, even if no one else considered it as such.

And so he had fallen so low as to … relieve his stress … by seeing how cute of a face Zuko made when he pinched his cheeks.

Stress just melted away like snow before salt. It was an unexplainable phenomenon that could only be felt and described but not understood until a man - or woman - was in his position.

To think that he, Zabuza Momoichi the Demon of the Mist, would be a father and so utterly infatuated with his baby. His babies, plural. Hanora and Mina were equally cute, and he snuck in light pinches on their cheeks as well, and almost rumbled at the squeals the babies made.

Babies that … looked a lot like the ones he killed, swiftly, during his missions for Kiri.

Just like that, his mood plummeted.

And somehow, his children seemed to notice and wailed.

“I’m here, I’m here,” he muttered softly to them all as he scooped them all up from the futon and rocked them in his arms. They were so small. Had those babies been small as well?

He didn’t remember. All of the killing just kind of blended with each other after a while.

He hummed as his own discomfort grew worse.

If he had stayed a missing ninja with Haku, then he would not be thinking about this at all. Or would he?

He only started having these thoughts because he couldn’t go out there and relieve stress with killing; it was during moments of emotional instability that ninjas died. Even he could die to a fucking genin if he was too busy butchering some bastard and didn’t look over his shoulder.

No, he couldn’t do that to his … family.

So he stayed in the village. He trained with Gai. He squished his babies’ cheeks. He fucked a lot.

Because if he couldn’t do any of those, then he was going to grab his sword and run out towards Kiri.


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