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A Lewd Cultivator in Brockton Bay

Chapter 55 (NSFW)


It was abnormal how Rabbit grew stronger each week.

All members of the Protectorate - sans Velocity, who was on vacation - stood around the ring during one of their own fought Rabbit.

Even though this was only sparring between friendly and cooperative teams, Armsmaster and Rabbit fought ferociously. Neither went all out on their powers and equipment; someone would die if that happened. However, this only meant that the two relied more on their skills, and the unending and blurring series of punches, blocks, parries, kicks, and jumps showed just how powerful they were.

As he watched the two spar, Assault noted how their speed was completely out of his league. He could absorb as much kinetic force as possible, but everyone also knew that Rabbit was a Striker whose attacks seemed to bypass most non-physical defense. If he walked up there right now after Armsmaster, then he would get his ass kicked.

… But he was going to because he was a hero and a hero did not hesitate to improve themselves.

(That’s what his better half would and does say, so he went with her demand that he improve himself.)

Armsmaster finally swung wide. A big mistake.

Rabbit blitzed into his guard and thrice-thumped the power-armored hero on the chest.


And that was game.

Armsmaster and Rabbit both stopped and backed off before nodding to each other.

No one in PRT ENE has not won a single match against Rabbit since he returned from his vacation from the land down under and got hitched to both of the Dallon sisters.

Yes, polygamy was illegal.

No, no one was going to do anything about it when it was obviously a consensual marriage. On top of that, it involved the world’s best healer quickly becoming a well-practiced biotinker and two Alexandria-lites. The mere thought of Panacea withholding healing because someone pissed her off was enough to keep everyone's hands off the third New Wave family’s domestic affairs.

Rabbit grinned and shook Armsmaster’s hand before Armsmaster walked down with a slight limp in his left leg.

Assault grimaced.

It wasn’t just non-physical defenses that Rabbit penetrated but also physical defenses. The man could move as fast as a fighter jet, strike like an artillery shell, and ignore any of the defenses of employed by his targets. The only thing he couldn’t do was fly but he made long jumps that may as well be flights.

He’s also been active in the background. Unlike New Wave who still remained quiet, Rabbit went out to hunt down troublemakers and criminals. He left all of them scared shitless, too.

Speaking of criminals Rabbit hunted down, the Undersiders were finally processed. Grue’s circumstance was taken in to account, and so he was given provisionary Protectorate membership and custody over his little sister. Regent was shipped elsewhere so he wasn’t ENE’s problem. Hellhound(Bitch) also gained Protectorate status but was pushed to another branch. Tattletale was relegated to Watchdog, because no one wanted to work with her here.

“Alright, who’s next?” the confident man asked as he looked around the room.

Miss Militia stepped up.

Assault sighed in relief. This was probably going to be the last spar of the day.

He wondered what he should do. Aside from hanging out with his love, that was.


When I got back home, I got a surprise greeting from my two wives.

“Anyone home?” I called out as I walked in and locked the door behind me. No one answered for a moment.

“We’re up in the bedroom!” Vicky replied from the second floor. “We have something to talk to you about.”


Normally, when your wife (or wives) say that she had something to talk about, then the situation was generally serious (unless it was something less than serious that she constantly brought up).

As I began shucking off my jacket,

Both sat next to each other in bed and dressed in skimpy lingerie.

“Hey, Alan,” Amy crooned as she rolled her off of Vicky’s tits. She eyed me up and down and licked her lips.

“Alan~,” Vicky called me salaciously before gesturing for me to come hither with one hand and caressing her baby bump with the other.

I grinned as I took off my costume. Sure, I was a little sweaty, but so what? We were all about to get sweaty.

Vicky got off the bed before I got on the bed, and made me stand still as she got down to her knees. With that lustful smile on her lips, she undid my pants and pulled them and my boxers down. My dick almost hit her face, but she grabbed my shaft before it did.

Her fingers drummed on my rock-hard penis as Amy got up and stood behind Vicky. As the blonde sister parted her lips and took my dick into her mouth, Amy tiptoed forward and draped her arms over my shoulders and back and pulled herself up to kiss me.

I kissed her, groping her right tit with my left hand, and used my right hand to caress Vicky while gently guiding her as she sucked me off.


“FUCK FUCK FUCK-!” Vicky screamed in ecstasy as I railed her asshole with her laying fully on her bed.

Her swollen tits squirted milk as I groped and squeezed them while she gave my forearms and wrists a death grip as she came to my dick again. Her pussy clamped down on my dick and I groaned as my cultivation-boosted flesh throbbed at her wet, warm pussy’s squeezing ministrations.


Amy mumbled incoherently with her face and the rest of her front planted to the wall as I pounded her from behind. Her feet hung a few inches off of the floor, and they jerked and curled up every time I filled her pussy with my rod.

Her entire body jerked as she came, and I came with her. Her already cum-filled pussy couldn’t take my latest shot, so they dribbled to the floor between her legs while they trembled and spazzed.

Then when I began pounding again, she let out helpless whimpers.


Tonight was … fun.

We regularly have threesomes because when one of the sisters get in the mood, both of them get in the mood.

Still, they can’t keep up with my stamina, even Amy with her nascent dive into cultivation.

So while they laid next to each other, arms wrapped around and their tits pressed up against each other, I pulled the bedsheet over them - the one we use whenever we know we’re going to get frisky - and let them sleep it off.

They’ll hate the fact that they fell asleep without brushing their teeth.

While they slept, I walked on over to my daughter’s room.

There, sleeping in her crib surrounded by a literal wall of cultivation-enriched tags that could and would fry any uninvited trespassers, was Olenna Marris.

I loomed over her, almost wishing I was clean right now so I wouldn’t soil her bedsheet and cute onesie with sweat.

And when I looked down at her, I just smiled. The smile just came naturally.

I was bloody happy.


I was not happy the next day when I learned that the Gesellschaft decided to muscle in on Brockton Bay.


Tom smith

Fuck their shit up bro!