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Kick the Sphere

Chapter 2


“Hey, JanJan,” I yawned as I greeted the ginger friend.

“You look tired. Did you do anything stupid yesterday night?” she asked me with a raised eyebrow.

“Got caught up in a vid,” I grumbled, because I did. It was what happened after that really shook me.

She snorted. “I keep telling you that you should toss that broken thing. You need to sleep to work hard.” She paused. “Well, work hard enough to not get fired. I don’t think I can support you.”

“Har har,” I drawled in monotone as we walked again upon the black permafrost that always covered the streets. Our street didn’t even have a name. The entire block was just called Sublevel 4’s Block 17. Yes, the city I lived in had sublevels and skylevels.

"I'm serious, old man!"

"Oi, I'm only five years older."

"Exactly! That's almost a fourth of my life so far! So much! So old!"

I sighed exasperated.

While I went through the morning motions, I was yanking about yesterday night.

I still had 100 points, and there were … a lot of things I could use that 100 points for. For some reason, I couldn't purchase more 0 point options until I have purchased something with actual cost.

100 points could get me anything from a bunch of tools to Titanfall Engineering. The latter would be extremely useful as Titans weren't that different from battlemechs, and basic engineering was simpler and sometimes easier than battlemech engineering. Knowing any kind of engineering would be enough to get myself a position on any haulers that came and went from Vakarel.

Some options coat only 50 points, but not all of them were useful in my current situation.

"Hey, hey."

Brought out of my thoughts, I looked around and saw myself at the front of the factory already.

When did I get here?

Just as I was about to water the factory with Janice, I froze as klaxon blared across the sublevel.

It was a familiar call.

It was different from an invasion or raid warning. It was a very specific and very shrill call.


The shrillness of the warning, though, told everyone that the pirates had used a jump point very close to the planet and were to land within the day.

Securities came out and began to shoo everyone away as they locked the factory down, pulling down the shutters and then chain bars.

Blood drained from my face and I turned to Janice, who froze.

"Where do you live?" I asked her.

"B-Block 3."

That's right on top of the giant elevator for supply transportation, and one of the most likely places the pirates will enter through.

"Come with me," I said as I dragged her along even as I mentally pulled up the Celestial Forge Menu.

Pirate raids were no joke. Those bastards broke into anything and everything that wasn't well guarded, and that meant everything but the most secured military installations. Vakarel didn't have any military installation or presence worth mentioning, which meant that everything was a target for them.

"W-where are we going?! The shelters that way!" Janice shouted as she tried to pull me away to go along with the flow of the crows somewhat calmly moving to the said shelters.

"Those shelters are barely worth the metals they use to build them and you know it," I told her in a hurry. "You know that my place is far out in the periphery for the pirates to really care."

It was. The main city on Vakarel was buried underground, and the poorest of each sublevel lived on the edge of the sublevel, where access to the surface was harder.

Of course, in an invasion, the poorest were paradoxically the safest because of this design.

She bit her lips and stopped resisting, only to shake her head. I stared at her for a moment before nodding and letting her go.

"Be safe," I told her and she looked at me like I was crazy.

"I should be the one saying that, old man," she tried to play it off.

Both of us hesitated for a moment but in the next, we moved away from each other and towards our destinations.

I had a minimum of twelve hours before the pirates landed and a maximum of twenty-two hours.

I ran towards my house and made it home in under fifteen minutes.

Coming to my house was a good thing. First off, Block 17 was on the edge of the sublevels, which meant that pirates would not reach us as they would have to enter through Block 1 that had elevator access. Two, my house was in the center of the block, which was where the poorest of the block lived  UT it also gave us a lot of houses for pirates to raid first before they reached us.

Third, pirates tended to use their battlemechs - walking warmachines that have been the central focus of warfare for the past four hundred years or so - and grab whatever was the closest.

Fourth, I could afford to use my powers freely with no one to look into my windowless apartment unit.

I had an idea, and I hoped it would work.

See, pirates had battlemechs, the walking warmachines that have been the centerpieces of war for the last millennium. Their battlemechs were shitty, yes, but they were still mechs.

The funny thing about mechs. If I downed it, then it was mine and having a mech made me worth something. Worthy enough to buy my way off of this world. Sure, some noble or officer might try to claim the mech I might down, but if I could down a mech, then I had firepower to keep it.

With that in mind, I pulled up the forge menu and made one purchase.

[Supplies]; it was from Girl's Frontline and it allowed me to craft T-Dolls, or gynoid soldiers.

And what better way was there for me to survive than to have a literal lagoon of soldiers to help me survive?

Being gynoids names and equipment were their namesakes like AK-12 being a gynoid that uses the AK-12 gun, T-Dolls required Manpower, Ammo, Parts, and Rations to be made, which [Supplies] gave me 5,000 each of. The knowledge dumped into my head showed me that the cheapest option was worth 30 of each category while the most expensive ones were outside my reach.

Cheapest, however, would not do as they were some of the weakest in firepower, if the most agile of T-Dolls.

To take down battlemechs, some which were impossible to defeat with small arms and others that were just barely defeatable, I needed at least some heavy hitters.

With my mind made up, I began pulling out a bunch of the supplies.

'Note to self,' I thought as the "manpower" bit of the Supplies came out of.my inventory and crashed onto my apartment unit floor because I was too shocked at seeing a blank gynoid. 'Do not do this near anyone.'


Vakarel was not a well defended world.

I realized this very quickly because when that twenty-two hour grace period ended, I hesrd the pirates tear through the upper levels of the city and made their way down to the sublevels. I heard gunshots from Block 1 and 2, soon followed by deeper and louder explosions and autocannon fire that grew closer and closer.

It was also then that I realized that these weren't ordinary pirates, because pirates normally did not mix infantry and mech on raids, not unless they needed infantry to corral people.

And why would anyone but slavers corral people?

My plan on relying on a small group of well trained and high firepower T-dolls crumbled as I found myself having to contend with infantry on top of mechs who just might be striking deep into poor parts of the city specifically to take people for their sick pleasures.

"Well, we're in deep shit, aren't we?" From on top of the rooftop with me, my first T-doll commented on what both of us were seeing at the center of the sublevel. "They aren't stupid enough to break support pillars, at least."

That was true. Most buildings on this sublevel were at max four stories tall because the ceiling was five stories tall and connecting directly with the ceiling was a good way for weight from above to slowly ruin the building.

This gave us a clear line of sight of the battle happening… or lack thereof. The pirates, their light mechs, and infantry commenced burning and looting everything with the sublevel 4 defenders dead at Block 1 and 2.

And some of these pirates, including a light mech and a company's worth of infantry, were coming for us.

My T-Dolls and I had fortified the only entrance into the Core of Block 17, but I wasn't sure if the hasty fortifications could survive a direct mech assault.

Even if the mech was a Locust, its 20 ton frame could barrel through most infantry positions and alleys.

"Bah, we'll be fine!" my new pink haired right hand soldier chortled with a little bit of bloodthirsty mania. "The chokepoint will make any kind of engagement shooting a fish in a barrel. You'll see, Commander."

I sighed. "I hope so, Negev."

It was right about here that I got another 100 points to use with the forge. I quickly pulled up the menu and scoured through the items. Nothing worth 100 P was good, but I did have the option to gain another 0 P option…

And that knightmare sounded like a very good idea.

I bought [this looks like…] and then the knightmare as well, which immediately bombarded me with options. The former would let me drive the knightmare with some proficiency, hopefully.

"I got a mech coming for us. Hold up."

I quickly ran down to the ground level where eight T-dolls - Type 64, SPAS-12, P38, Jericho, LWMMG, AK-12, AK-15, and Galil - remained in positions. Each of the gynoid girls gave me a nod, wave, or other form of acknowledgement as I walked past them towards the back of the tiny courtyard.

No largw could get through the small gap but there was just enough room for a Glasgow knightmare in the courtyard itself.

With a flash of light, a fully armed and energy topped blue Glasgow came out of the inventory and stood waiting for me. I stared up at the knightmare frame for a moment. I wanted something better, but my options had been limited from the get-go. This glasgow with slash hardens, landspinners, a riot shield, and a single automatic knightmare rifle was the best I could afford.

I quickly climbed up, pressed a button to open the cockpit back entrance, and got in. As I got into the cramped cockpit, the 4th gen knightmare frame's cockpit quickly lit up with lights and registered me as the pilot.

As the sounds of gunfire got closer, I tested out the completely unfamiliar system.

But I got the hang of it very quickly.

That's just about when the pirates noticed our block and began to attack.

… Glasgows can climb.


Zac hated having to go deep in any raid.

There was always that chance that his coworkers might just decide to ditch him and his squad because they needed to get the fuck out.

Well, he wished right now that they were here because his latest problem had literally dropped on them. The mech with huge ass foot attachments slammed onto the floor from above and immediately opened fire.

The noise and then the gunfire caught Zac and everyone else off guard, and he jumped over to a truck and hid behind it.

Their Locusts opened fire, but the new mech just slid away. Where it couldn't dodge with assistance from his rolling foot attachments, it raised a shield to block the attack.

It was too small to be a light mech, but what kind of ultralight mech could tank autocannon fire?!

That's when more of the milita infantry ipened fire on them from an alley, pinning them down to the truck. Zac winced as half of his squad got gunned down almost instantly.

"Where the fuck is our reinforcement?!" he shouted over to Mimikey, or just Mikey because he was the comm guy and his name was Milo Michaels.

He ducked even more than he was in a crouch because anything otherwise was a death sentence as Jeromy found out the hard way.

Pirates don't do funerals, but the poor bastard was gonna have a closed casket one.

"Militia got to them! We're cut off!"

Didn't they destroy all of the militia when they got down here?! Where were the bastards popping out of?!


The sound of glass shattering and steel squealing as they bent and tore stopped Zac before he could rant.

Instead, he looked up to find out what did that.

He paled when he saw Eren's Locust sporting a huge stabbing disc connected to a wire. The wire went taut and pulled the disc out of the light mech, and the motion caused the light mech to keel over.

"Eren, get up!" he shouted to the pilot as gunfire roared up again.

The other two Locusts fired back at the violet and grey mech Zac's never seen before, but the bastard used those wheels attachments to zip zag out of the gunfire!

Zac growled as he pulled up and out of cover to fire at the bitches on the other side of the narrow alley.

Their guns barked back at him, and he winced instinctively as the area around him ricochet with bullets.

He ducked down and looked at his gun.


He reached for his waist.


He was a dead man walking.

He glanced over to his right and saw the defenders rush out of the alley. They moved quickly, and before he could raise his gun, they already had theirs trained on him.

A corner of his frantic mind calmly noted the gender and age of the group.

… women? Girls? Huh?

Their guns barked and he crumpled down to the ground.


The T-dolls, my girls, struck this pirate group's back while they had turned to fight me.

Unfortunately for them, a Knightmare was faster than most mechs.

Fortunately for them, it was also weaker.

Unfortunately for them, I had a shield.

My mech-sized fully automatic rifle spat lead into the mech to my right while the mech to my front and left tried in vain to penetrate through my shield. I kept advancing with my landspinner pushing me forward while the mech getting shot by me keeled over from having its cockpit peppered to hell and back.

I turned my focus onto the last mech and charged it. The Locust tried to jump away, but I kicked my landspinner up a gear and slammed into the pirate mech.

Normally, a Locust would be fast enough to dodge a glasgow knightmare. However, pirates tended to not have their shit together, according to all of the pirated videos I saw.

This proved to be true because it took one good shoulder check on the mech for its frame to cave in and collapse.

And that's just about when my girls finished up the infantry that came with the mech.


Everyone survived. Negev was missing an arm but higher and happier than a cocaine-snorting squirrel.

My Glasgow stood very damaged, very low on power, and very, very close to keeling over. Now, I didn’t do well. I took way more hits than I should have. I missed so many shots that it wasn’t even funny. I wasn’t even tap-firing but shooting one bullet at a time. If I didn’t have the riot shield that came with the Glasgow, then I would not have survived the combined firepower of two Locusts.

Yes, the Glasgow was faster and I had a shield to protect me.

No, the Glasgow was not equal to even the light mech’s firepower. The slash harken was the only reason why I came out of that fight on top because the light mechs weren’t designed to take a literal ton of fast-moving metal to the face.

… but I didn't want mechs. I wanted to leave this world and mechs only made that messier.

No, I needed to get in contact with some people.

From within the cockpit of my resting Glasgow, I turned on the radio as the battle on this sublevel died down. I still heard autocannon fire from above but it was growing weaker and weaker.

"This is … Captain Alan Marris. I have downed three of the pirate Locusts, and am claiming them as my salvage. My custom light mech is damaged but operational. Vakarel Militia, are you still in battle?"

There was a static on the radio before someone responded.

"Who the fu-? Are you a veteran? A mercenary?"

"Neither, and none of your business. I'm not a pirate and that's all that matters. I am claiming the three Locusts I downed. Is the battle still going on?"

"No… the pirates just left after … losing mechs down on the sublevels. That was you?"


"Ah shit. The duke is not gonna like that. He wanted all of the mechs…"

Whoever I was talking to, he was very loose with info.

"If you want, then I am willing to trade the damaged Locusts for double their weight in raw materials, a warehouse to store them for the next six months, and access to manufacturing tools and machines. Oh, and eagles, obviously," I stated my demands upfront, not forgetting to add monetary payout at the end as well. "I'm sure the duke will appreciate three mostly intact light mechs being added to his roster. Maybe even get you a promotion if you make it worthwhile. After all, what's a few pieces of scrap, metal, and copper in comparison to three mechs?"

"Fine! I get it, I get it. I'll send over someone. Where are you?"

"Sublevel 4, Block 17. Keep in mind that my mech is still operational, so send someone calm and cooperative."

When the radio clicked off, I finally allowed myself to relax.

Just as I was about to get out of the cockpit, the Forge pinged and gave me another 100 points.

I chuckled. 'Thanks,' I thanked whomever was behind the Forge, but got no reply in return. It was fine.

I got the knightmare to open the cockpit and then climbed out.

All of the still operational T-Dolls stood waiting for me. Of the nine T-Dolls I had made, five stood before me, including one-armed Negev.

"Thank you for your help," I immediately said, and they smiled and grinned back at me.

"No problem, Chief! Just give us the next order," Galil saluted.

I paused to think and then nodded to myself. "Once we get everything squared away, we'll get some rest. I'm definitely done with my factory job."


I took exactly fifteen minute rest before I sprung out of my glasgow and went hunting.

For what?

Well, it wasn’t hunting, not really. I went out to look for Janice. I was worried for my friend, and also knew that bunkers and shelters were not the best of places for woman with no family, friends, or the like.

“Did you have to follow me?” I asked SPAS-12, the T-Doll carrying the shotgun of her namesake.

“Yes, ‘captain,’” she replied. “You don’t look like a mercenary or a mechwarrior, but I certainly look like a soldier. If you want to retain any authority that will help you find your friend, then you need someone - like me - to back you up. Otherwise, you can and will be stonewalled by unbelievers and skeptics.”

I looked at her for a second as we arrived at the tram station. “You sound like a preacher just now.” I looked away from her and around. The tram station was empty and all of the lights were off. I also didn’t hear any of the long distance chugging of the tram station operations. “Damn, the place got shut down.” It made sense; it wasn’t good to have the defender’s own infrastructure be used to transport the invader.

We made it to the nearest shelter, and got the soldiers inside to open it. It was filled to the brim with people but Janice wasn’t here. The second bunker was also full of people and empty.

We found her in the third bunker.

The soldiers guarding the shelter opened the door upon confirming that we were not pirates and that the battle was over. As people poured out of the shelter to go home and check on their belongings, I found her.

“Alan!” she nearly screamed as she rushed to me through the crowd of people.

She looked… fine. Good.

She crashed into my chest and I patted her head like I did in my past life with my little cousins and siblings.

“We’re good. We’re good,” I told her.

She held me tightly, burying her face in my chest for a good while before she resurfaced and then stared at SPAS-12.

“Who are you?”

SPAS-12 decided that saluting to me in the middle of the street was a good idea. She also decided that blabbing was a good idea.

“Unit designation is SPAS-12. Happy to see one of captain’s acquaintances. I am currently serving under Captain Alan Marris, and I can happily tell you that he personally took out three light mechs at Block 17.”

The flow of the people around me slowed as they stared at me in surprise. Some of them knew me, and looked like what SPAS-12 just spewed from her lips was utter gibberish.

After all, I was just a gutter rat like them, right? Just another mundane, faceless factory worker.

Janice gawked at her and then at me.

“Wait, wait-”

“Let’s talk elsewhere,” I hissed at them both and dragged them away from the crowd.


After I managed to get us all out of the public and into a broken-in residence with blood on the floor, I let Janice have the floor.

"Since when were you leading people in a battle?" She asked me incredulously. "Or pilot mechs?!" She was obviously panicking and confused.

"It just kind of happened," I replied honestly because that was what happened.

She glared at me, of course not believing my words. I didn't fault her for that because I wouldn't trust those words either.

"Look, I'm going to be negotiating with the militia for the salvage right, and it will mean that I will be leaving the sublevel to go.. probably to the surface."

She stared at me.


"Once I set my place up, I'll send you a message or someone to tell you to come up. Okay? You don't want to stay down here, right?"

She stared at me some more before nodding.


"Sweet. I'll see you soon then."

I didn't see her for three more weeks, and when I did see her, we had a … very interesting talk.


Whale A

I'm so happy I voted for this one.