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Necessary Corruption

Chapter 40


Hatemiho Kenji

Kenji was soooo fucking glad he surrendered.

He watched from the giant lizard beast’s side as he was escorted back to the heart of the “Takanori” fighters - or not-ninjas as he found out - where a woman who seemed to be made out of shadows like the Konoha-nin that nearly killed him screeched and used the shadows to pierce people’s bodies so quickly that even the few Sound jounins he recognized had no time to dodge.

There were others like a Senju-copycat who wore wooden armor and made trees move like they were living people.

Another one had some kind of metal gun that -.


That shot light that burned anything in its path.

“OW!” that “light” gun holding Takanori fighter whined as he dropped his smoking weapon. The weapon sparked once, twice, thrice, and then caught on fire.

“Urina, I told you not to bring experimental weapon to the battlefield,” a stern man frowned and berated the younger man (woman?).

“Srry, sorry, Takanori-sama,” the gender-ambiguous fighter said almost dismissively and definitely irreverently.

Kenji snuck a glance at the stern man. So he was the lord in charge of these people?

“Takanori-taicho. I brought a medical ninja. He is one of the Sound ninjas.”

The stern man looked over to him and the speaking lizard before nodding. “Has he been safely restrained?”

“I have my eyes on him,” the shadow lady noted from the front.


Kenjis’ eyes widened as he spotted eyes in the shadows of the Sound and Sand ninjas getting gutted. Slowly, he looked down and grimaced when he found a trio of alert red eyes looking up at him.

They were creepy as fuck.

It also meant that if he tried anything that suggested even a hint of disobedience, then there was a good chance he might just die from a spear of shadow indiscrimately impaling him.

And seeing as his shadow was directly beneath him, there was a good chance such a spear might start with his dick, balls, or asshole.

He shuddered.

He already surrendered and as long as they didn’t want to kill him, he wouldn’t do anything.

Kenji winced as a brutish looking man wearing only a fundoshi bearing the symbol of the Takanori - a three petal white flower - stepped onto street lined with the multi-story buildings. Standing almost as tall as the buildings, he grabbed one of the broken rubble as big as Kenji was and threw it.

He winced with wide eyes as the throw cracked the air, hurting his eardrums in the process, and sped out of the village towards … the Sound camp.

And this naked giant kept throwing rubbles.

‘Yeah, anyone there right now are dead,’ Kenji thought with a gulp. ‘Who the fuck are these guys?’

“So you are a medic-nin?”

Kenji stared up at the tall and stern Takanori, and he wondered just how bad his situation could drop to.

“No,” he replied honestly. “I know a few iryojutsu. I am not a medic-nin.”

The man looked at him blankly before nodding. “Good, you are honest. It spares me the trouble.”

Obviously, he meant the trouble of either eliminating or “educating” him. Considering that a “education” might involve getting squeezed by that giant’s massive hands, Kenji knew he might have dodged a kunai there.

“You can teach it, yes?”

He nodded frantically.

“Good. Then you are to provide information to Nairee over there. Nai, raise your hand.”

Someone did, and Kenji turned to look.

His jaws dropped as he found himself looking at a dark skinned beauty with full lips and half-lidded eyes.

“You need me to interrogate this ninja, boss?”

“No. He surrendered. Don’t be too rough with him.”

“Yes, taicho.” She turned to him with the “eh, I can do this” look that she’s kept throughout the entire conversation and in the middle of an invasion. “Come with me over to the tent over there.”

He followed her demurely and when she entered the tent, so did he, ignoring all kinds of thoughts that popped up into his head about a man and a woman in a tent alone.

Because the moment he entered the tent, she turned and her fingers extended into segments.


He did hesitantly in the only chair available.

“And hold still.”

Those segmented fingers ajbbed into his temples, and Kenji felt pain.


When he woke up, a day and a night had passed. The morning sunlight greeted him from where he laid.

When he got up, he found a pair of wooden disconnected cuffs on his wrists and ankles as well as a new tattoo he didn’t remember getting.

The tattoo looked … familiar.

And then he remembered what happened to him.

Kenji shuddered as he looked around.

It wasn’t long after that he heard wood on metal beating.

“Prisoners are to step out now for their meals!”



He walked out of the tent he’d been in and squinted at the bloody bright morning of the Land of Fire.

He found himself one among two dozens, all of whom had wooden cuffs and small tattoos on the back of their right hands.

He looked saw the same woman who gave him pain yesterday.

“I am Nairee! I’m sure you remember me putting my fingers into your heads!” she shouted with the same “eh” look. “I am your superior while Lord Takanori and his brother-captain decide what to do with you lot! Your surrender will reflect well on you!”

While she talked, he looked around. The camp he was in was similar to the Sound camp except that it was in the back of a manor. On the second story balcony of that manor was the stern man and with him dressed in noble attire.

‘They must be the Takanori nobles.’

“Get your food and be ready to report in fifteen minutes! MOVE IT!”

Kenji snapped out of his funk and quickly moved to get the grub.

… At least prisoner food here was better than ration over in the Sound.


A/N: roughly 2 more chapters to go before the arc ends.


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