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A Lewd Cultivator in Brockton Bay

Chapter 54


Amy stared at herself in the mirror and then turned to her left.

Despite the fact that she gave birth no less than two weeks ago, she felt … completely fine.

Now, she knew what birthing did to women. She had some experience healing many mothers-to-be, especially in her early cape career. Birthing did a number of a woman’s body. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that the average woman lost half a year of her life with each birth. Of course, she would be somewhat exaggerating by saying that, but the simple fact was that birthing was fucking hard on a body.

Most women needed a full month, or even two, to recover fully.

‘But look at me right now,’ she thought as she looked at herself in the mirror, admiring how her abdomen had flattened out and regained the muscles she’s lost during pregnancy. Her ass was … well, she always had better ass than tits but they were now almost bouncy.

She lightly jumped on the balls of her feet and marveled at how … marvelous her ass was.

She frowned.

‘Actually, does a bouncier and firmer ass make me look fatter?’

She turned her ass towards the mirror and got a better look.

Her ass didn’t sag. They didn’t spread outwards like some weirdos like theirs. Hers didn’t even look disproportional to her body… she thinks.

She narrowed her eyes in contemplation as she bounced again. After staring at her ass for a minute more, she gave up and turned her front back to the mirror to admire a distinct lack of chub that women tend to develop because their skin got stretched to its limit during pregnancy.

Amy had none of that, and she couldn’t tell if it was because she had good genetics or because of what she’s been doing with Alan.

Not the sex. Every mother had sex, and most got the flab if they didn’t work it off or had good genes.

Carol had good genes, but she wasn’t Carol’s kid, so that didn’t help. She didn’t know her mother and her dad was … irrelevant? Probably.

“Has to be the special training,” she muttered. “Because there’s no way I look this good.”

Speaking of which, Alan had to be down in the sublevels doing just that.

It seemed to her that the more Alan got involved in this cultivation thing, the more time he spent working on it than with her.

Admittedly, she’s also been deep in trying to figure out how to better her “cultivation.” It was really fascinating, and she couldn’t help it! Alan probably felt the same way, but her husband probably also felt the need to become some kind of a top-tier Brute like Alexandria. It sucked that he didn’t have the means to prove that he’s come much further than his participation in the Brockton Bay Leviathan fight. It mattered because it was something he didn’t like to talk about.

She suspected that he wasn’t even thinking about it. Not many people would talk about how close they came to dying aside from a specific few who took joy in surviving such encounters.

She was, however, his wife and living with him. She saw the effort he put into himself every day even during vacation. Vicky may be the only other person who might notice it, but her blonde sister was also too busy with her own pregnancy and what little training she could squeeze into her schedule while working towards an Associates degree.

“Are you done in there?” Vicky asked from outside the bathroom.

“I’m done!” she replied as she pulled her skirt back up and shirt back on. She skipped out of the bathroom and grinned at Vicky and Alan waiting for her, and waiting in Alan’s arms was a sleepy Olenna.

Every time she saw her daughter, Amy felt … content? She loved her daughter but didn’t know how to express it. It wasn’t as if a baby was capable of understanding love outside of their basic needs.

“So where are we going again?” she asked her husband and sister.

“Just the Downtown,” Vicky grinned. “I’m pregnant, too, you know, and I don’t feel lik wearing your hand me downs.”

Amy froze.

“Wait, you tricked me into a shopping spree?” she asked in horror. “I thought this was supposed to be a family outing!”

“It is a family outing,” Alan grinned. “Shopping just happens to be involved for half of the activities. Besides, don’t you want to find the perfect pajamas and onesies for Olenna?”

She opened her mouth and then closed it. Then she glared at the two of them.

“I will get back at both of you for this!” she faux-promised. “Maybe I’ll develop hyperallergic spores to spray you both in training!”

“Oh no, what will I do?” Alan half-heartedly bemoaned. “I will be sneezing. Oh no~.”

They walked out of the house, happy to be with each other.


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