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Vice Bunker

Chapter 18



Vicky looked up to Amy who’d just called her. “Yeah?”

“Why him?”


“Why Alan?”

At this point, everyone knew of each other. There was no need to hide it, and this included the parahuman identity as well.

But certain relationships have been unknown until recently. Most people didn’t know Alan had a harem.

Amy did.

And unlike what she expected, Vicky just looked away for a moment not out of shame but contemplation.

“It just started with me exploring the tunnels, you know?” she began. “I wanted to know what the entire bunker looked like since the guy never really told anyone how deep it all goes.” She paused before continuing. “That’s when I ran into him at one of the deepest levels of the bunker. Did you know that he’s constantly working on expanding the bunker?”

Amy shook her head. She did not know that, but what need was there to expand the bunker?

“He has this giant dome some one hundred floors below us. Wants to make some sort of biosphere for everyone to enjoy.”

Did he have a biotinker working for him…? That sounded dangerous.

Vicky looked up and smiled. “We just talked a lot, and then I just kind of … fell for him,” she sighed with a fond smile and blissful eyes.

Those eyes should be turned to her, even if it was wrong…

Amy quickly bit down on her tongue before she said something stupid and hurtful, no matter how much she wanted to snark.

“He didn’t demand anything from me. He listens, you know? Not always but he always makes the time for it. It helps that he has two bodies.”

Amy paused and then blinked. “Two bodies…?”

Vicky paused and then looked sheepish. “Ah. Right. I wasn’t supposed to say that. Yeah, he has two bodies. The ‘main’ body is not the one we see every day but the one constantly digging. Right now, he’s trying to connect with the PRT’s bunker because he’s worried about their radio silence.”

Amy did hear about that from Carol and Sarah. Everyone was worried, especially since the Cannibal Raid made the fact that the surface was a hell world right now.

“What does that have to do with Alan?”

“... He’s trying, you know?” Vicky sighed and did it while looking like she was in love-.

… she was, wasn’t she? Vicky lost Dean and threw herself into fighting to ignore it. But fighting was nowhere to be had, and that’s when Alan wormed his way into her sister’s heart, making her fall in love with him.

Bastard! He already had three women! Why did he have to take Vicky, too?!

“Say… What about you?”

“Huh? Me?”

“Yeah. Got anyone around here that has your interest?”

‘Bitch, I’m interested in you!’ “No,” she grumbled. “If you haven’t noticed, there aren’t a lot of people our age.”

There were over three thousand people living in Alan’s bunker. Of those three thousand, only one hundred were between fourteen and twenty. The vast majority of the bunker residents were younger or older.

Well, Amy did see that blonde bombshell who was hanging around the one of the upper floors…

She shook her head.

“Oh, you do have someone in your sights~!” Vicky grinned.

“No, I don’t,” she glared at her sister as she turned around to leave.

“Come on! Tell me how what he looks like!”

… Honestly, she was tempted. She wanted to know what Vicky would look like when Amy just straight up told her.

(Her fantasy from when Dean was around would be that Vicky would leave Dean to be hers but that’s not gonna happen, was it?)

“Well, s-”

“Ah, hello, you two.”

Amy froze at the sudden intrusion and looked over her shoulder.

Standing on his tentacle legs was Yal’Manus, the bastard who took from her. He looked like any other happy newlywed, and Vicky - with her barely showing but present baby bump - looked absolutely love-stricken with how she bounced up to Yal’M - Alan - and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

“What brings you up here, Alan?” Vicky asked as she raised her arms up to him, and he sighed as he picked her up, which gave her more room to cuddle up to him.

Amy clenched her fists around the hem of her shirt.

Alan looked at her and …

She felt her stomach drop.

He knew.

The bastard fucking knew.

“I was actually looking for you, Vicky. I finished the thing you asked.”

“You did?!”

“I did,” he said and produced a silver circlet from the inside of his jacket. Vicky hurriedly put it on and -.

Amy blinked as the intense desire inside of her … faded.


“Thank you so much, Alan! I don’t need to worry about my aura anymore!”




Amy stared for a moment before she left before she could explode. Or tear up and cry. Or just collapse.

She didn’t know how she was going to -.

She just walked away and away and away…

And right up to the surface floor.

She stared up at the bunker door with heavy eyes.

Life sucked.

… Maybe she should just step outside-.


Her thoughts paused and turned around.

“... You.” Alan was there again but without Vicky. “What do you want from me? Wasn’t it enough that you took Vicky from me?”

“You make it sound like you own her,” Alan drawled, and Amy flinched. “Sounds so villainous.”

She wilted as her own words and thoughts played inside of her head.

… She really was a villain playing hero, wasn’t she?

She wasn’t even needed down here because Alan could do a lot of the healing she could since a week or two ago. Somehow.

“I think you need some time to process everything,” he hummed as he walked up to her and then sat down with his back to the bunker vault door. “Life is not so straightforward as I would like it, and your life is complicated even without your sister’s aura to change you.”

“You knew.”

“I just didn’t believe that you were as free of her influence as you claimed. A person cannot perform their own objective analysis, after all.”

Her shoulders drooped. “What are you gonna do to me, then?”

“Well, nothing.”

She slid down and sat. “Nothing?”

“Nothing. I will, however, say that you need stress relief. There is that blonde lesbian bombshell I invited to the bunker specifically for you, you know?”

Amy choked. “Wait, what?”

Alan laughed.

“Wait, are you joking or are you for real?! Damn it, answer me!”

But for some reason, she didn’t feel so bad.

She wondered why.


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