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Necessary Corruption
Chapter 35


“... You have spies in my village,” the Hokage grunted. “Normally, that’s not something I hear from a noble.”

“People talk, Hokage-dono,” I chuckled dismissively. “Ninjas talk even more when they think that the peasant across the street can’t hear them.”

He didn’t say anything about that, mostly because he was focused on the part where I’d revealed to him that I knew of his meeting between himself and Minosuke-dono. I didn’t tell him that I knew the details of that conversation; such a statement would be a suicide! I did, however, tell him that several ninjas looked suspiciously at my people when our backs had been turned after that meeting.

“Then you know of our suspicion.”

“To a degree, yes. And I am here to tell you some of the answers you seek.”


“Some. No one tells anyone all of their secrets.”

“Fair enough,” he grunted. “Then I must know if you are working with another hidden ninja village or group.”

“I am not,” I replied honestly. “Personally, and I hope you won’t take this the wrong way, I dislike ninjas as a class of people.” I took a sip of the tea his servant had prepared for us, showing him that I trusted him. “Especially since it was a ninja who assassinated my father no more than two years ago.”

He didn’t wince but I could see sympathy seeping into his gaze.

“Then how did you get so many talented soldiers in such a short time?”

“That is a secret I will not share, Hokage-dono. I will assure you, however, that the source nor the medium involved does not involve ninjas, ninjutsu, or even ninshu in any way.”

He looked a little surprised by my mention of ninshu. “I see. Yet you are here seeking to ally yourself to Konohagakure.”


“Beyond the reasons you have stated before, do you have any others?”

“I am merely covering my base, Hokage-dono.”

“Then the crisis in the Land of Rivers.”

“I may be selling weapons and information to all sides of the Northern Rivers conflict, but no one would have proof of it.”

“... You have vendetta against them.”

“Pardon?” I asked as I set the cup down.

“If your hand in the crisis was about political coup, then you would leverage your power to one side you can puppet,” he reasoned. “But instead of doing that, you are selling weapons and information, as you claim.”

I didn’t say anything, merely returning an even, blank gaze as I let him continue.

“You allow them to whittle each other down. You make them hate each other more as no side is truly outstanding in the conflict. You also mentioned your father’s assassination.”

Ah, it seemed that I made a mistake mentioning that.

“Many of the noble clans currently fighting in the crisis were involved in your father’s assassination, weren’t they?”

“They were,” I replied. “And then they tried to kill me as well.” I took a sip again. “It is part of the reason why I mentioned a relative of the Fire Daimyo taking over. I want nothing to do with the north. A daimyo from the Land of Rivers will do whatever is within their power to integrate my lands while a daimyo from other lands will be busy for probably their entire life trying to consolidate power in Northern Rivers.”

I was revealing quite a bit of my hand, but I felt that this was necessary with Minosuke-dono’s astute insight and request.

“... Minosuke-dono has requested an investigation into your lands, but your honest responses here has answered most of the questions we have had.”

So you did have questions of your own that you haven’t voiced before, merely not questioning them prior to this to obtain me as an ally yourself.

“What do you seek from this alliance?” I asked him. “It’s clear what I would get.”

He nodded. “You would get a ninja ally and an inroad to the Fire Daimyo’s court.” He took his own sip of tea to give himself some more time before his response. Once he set his cup down, he spoke again. “And Konoha… would have a bigger job market.”

“... Job market?”

“Yes,” he smiled. “It’s something a lot of ninjas don’t think about, but as a leader among them, I must. For example, if I were all you, then do you think hiring any ninjas aside from ours will be seen well by your allies?”

I smiled. “I suppose not,” I replied. “That is under the assumption that I would seek to hire them.”

“You might not perhaps, especially with your Blesseds,” he hummed. “But what about lesser clans and nobles? They who must watch their steps lest your eyes turn to them?”

I hummed, too. “I see. It isn’t all about me.”

He nodded. “Please forgive me for saying as such but the lord or daimyo of a land is not the creator of those ninja jobs.”

“I see. No, I understand. However, I hope you will not take assassination jobs against my people when we become allies? Such jobs would strain our relationship.”

“Of course,” he smiled. “Being allies with Konohagakure gives one many advantages, including being able to have an input of your own in what jobs are taken and not taken in your lands and for and against you.”

I knew that this wasn’t the end of our talks, merely the beginning, but it would be something that would keep Konoha appeased… for now. After all, a militaristic community does not remain in peace for very long.


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